What do you think about the north korean regime & nuclear program ?

  1. Not really a fan of most governments that are unironically referred to as “regimes.”

  2. I am generally not in favor of murderous dictators. Especially ones rattling nuclear sabers.

  3. It’s another case when the US said they will never allow it to develop nuclear weapons, and then… oops

  4. It’s … it’s bad. I feel terrible for the ordinary people who know nothing but the propaganda pumped into their brains from birth, and are starving and chronically malnourished, and who can’t speak out lest they and their families get thrown into the camps.

    I read a book called “Nothing To Envy” by Barbara Demick which is based on the accounts of six refugees who made it out. Mind-blowing stuff… like from another planet. Highly recommend for anyone who wants a very intimate insight as to what life is like on the inside.

  5. I am not a fan of nuclear proliferation or nuclear weapons but I certainly understand why they want to have them.

  6. Not a fan of either, though I’m not a fan of “regimes” in general or nuclear weapons programs, so…

  7. Not a fan but I can certainly wrap my head around understanding why they want them

  8. It’s one of the most if not the most evil and hideous regime in the world.

    We cannot allow them to ever become a nuclear power and I would be really, really happy if they had a violent Revolution that ended the Kim dynasty. I’d prefer essentially any other government.

  9. To be honest, me and a group of my friends from college could probably build a better nuke than North Korea.

  10. Unequivocally a good thing for them because it keeps the USA from invading their country and suffering the fate of Iraq. There’s so much one sided viewing on North Korea and no one stops to think they are acting in a very rational manner given the history of US aggression

  11. I’m generally not a fan because if they try anything major in the next several years, I’ll be on a Naval vessel off their coast, perhaps getting missiles lobbed at me.

    From their perspective it’s brilliant. I had an ex-Army uncle who once said “if we thought Iraq actually had WMD, we’d never have gone in like we did. And when Libya gave up theirs they were fucked.” So if you’re sitting in Pyongyang, having a nuke makes sense. It’s a bargaining chip and something of a trump card. I highly doubt they’d use it offensively because they know that’s the end of of North Korea’s role in world history. But all the same, it’s never a good thing when the nuclear power list expands in that direction.

  12. North Korea has potentially the worst government on earth, and it’s got some stiff competition. There’s literally nothing good to say about it (except, potentially, that I can’t imagine it actually completing a nuke, nor being worthwhile for any bigger country to seriously defend in case of aggression).

  13. Mostly I think of and feel bad for the North Korean people themselves, completely brainwashed and starving to death for an infantile man-baby with a dangerous amount of power.

    I’ve read so many stories coming out (more like smuggled out) of NK… the starvation, the blind devotion to their “fearless leader,” the pathetically subpar electric grid and generally low level of technology altogether, the complete lack of education/ knowledge of the world outside of NK, the govt instructing its citizens to use their own poop to fertilize their fields (which leads poor health/infections) instead of providing them with real fertilizer… I could go on…

    But the regime won’t stand indefinitely. Communism always fails because it is inherently flawed, and NK’s version will fall long before China’s does.

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