It feels really hard to find anything on this problem, so I’m turning to you guys for help. I met this person online through a game, and we played for the day and had a great time. We’ve also been texting for well over 2 weeks and again, it’s been going very well. We have good chemistry and the convos aren’t dry or anything like that.

But, for some reason I’m deathly afraid of playing with them again, even though we’ve tried to arrange it a few times. Ive kept canceling because my anxiety gets too bad. I don’t understand why. I understand this is a pretty vague question, but genuinely any insight, even if it’s through me figuring it out by questioning me, would be massively appreciated. I seriously enjoy talking to this person, and don’t want to ruin another potential friendship because I can’t get myself to talk to them.

Thank you, and if you have read this far (or even if you haven’t), have a good day 🙏

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