I’m just wondering about something and I’d like to hear your thoughts. Before I explain, I want to preface this post with one thing:

Serious dating isn’t really that important to me at the moment. I love flirting just for the fun aspect of it, but I’m not planning on getting into a serious relationship due to some issues I need to fix first. You know, priorities. So now that’s out of the way, here’s what I’m wondering:

Are there any people here who got together with a model? I mean people who post their pics on instagram for example. In general I’d like to read about your experiences. How was it like to begin the conversation, how was it during the relationship if you got to that point etc. Was it difficult? Was it annoying? Was it better than you imagined? Or… there was not much difference at all?

The reason why I’m asking is because I’m a fairly superficial person. I agree about the fact that personality and chemistry are the most important things for the relationship to last long term… but I would lie if I said looks don’t matter to me. Physical appearance and body type matters to me quite a lot. I’m the “*I know what I want*” type of a person. Even though it is a bit hurtful, I’m not giving people as much of a chance as I would if they met my physical criteria. I’m aware this approach limits me a bit but I also just don’t want to lie to myself and to other people. You know? If I don’t feel attracted to someone, I’m not going to pretend I am, because I believe that’s even worse.

I realise this question is a bit pointless since humans are very complicated and labeling a group of people (*In this case conventionally “hot” people*) is unfair, but I’d still like to read your thoughts. Just as a way to expand my own internal horizon.

  1. The fact that so many folks on this sub care to know about other people’s lives so much is part of the “fixing” we need to do. When you get lost in other people’s lives, you don’t live your own.

    Hows that fixing coming? Why not put in the work and go to date a model first hand and find out that way?

  2. In my experience the pretty ones that have fans usually also have brains and a good personality because they get socialized more and don’t have to deal with unpleasant people as often.

  3. totally honest with you first is always the best deal. You have to take what you want because if you truly love them and want to be there the rest of your life. I always say get it , What you want but no divorce mind you . Ok here is why I have the perfect thing. I was 22 years old my wife at the time was 35 . And I ask here to marry me after 3 weeks and we did. ok big age difference as well as i was really fit at the time played a lot of sports . Well we are going on 34 years of great relationship . but 20 years in as we matured and busy in the world of work. I thought did i make a mistake. hell of a time to think that. And you really have to soul search yourself because of how bad you will hurt them if you decided that you made a mistake and want out. I told my wife from the first day I will not get a divorce I dont belive that youcan not fix anything in a relationship if you work hard at that relationship you can fix anything. Divorce is to easy to get out . if it is not worth fighting for you should not be in that relationship. Sorry but i understand completely. thanks
    (good luck) Never settle cuse you will never be completly satisfied

  4. Not necessarily models but plenty of waitresses/bottle servers/bartenders who were on the talent side of the industry in Las Vegas and Miami. It was different with all of them, but the common theme was how little I was part of their online life. Even in person I was always sort of hidden socially. The sex was good though, some incredible bodies.

  5. would a model date you? seriously. i used to be a model. i had VERY high standards for who i would date because i had many options. are you hot? physically fit? financially well off? if not, worry about that first.

  6. I have worked with several hundred and dated a handful of Models. There are many categories of models, and I wouldn’t call them elite caliber. If I said their names you wouldn’t know who they are. Chances are if you live in the region of the world I do you have come across their advertisement somewhere. Some of them have worked with national chains, but they are not “super” models and the like.


    For the most part I do not like dating models. So you might be asking why did I? people tend to date people in their life sphere, and mine happened to put me in a sphere where models were around.


    If you are superficial as you say, I can promise you, you are not going to be happy dating anyone long term, because they will lose attraction to your superficiality and break things off. Models included.


    The other thing you need to know is Models have a skewed perspective on the world. I don’t blame them for this, because most don’t know anybetter.


    Gorgeous people have everyone trying to be nice to them because they are attracted to them, Or people are unreasonably jealous of them. It is rare for them to encounter someone who is just normal around them. So everyone they run into that isn’t family or known them forever already has an opinion of them more extreme than the average person. They know most people are flattering them and they have heard every line you can think of.


    Models are also more likely to run into assholes on a daily basis because the ego centric asshole just assumes someone gorgeous should be with them and makes his presence known to the model, whereas the person who is more introverted or less aggressive doesn’t go talk to them, so overtime the model comes to think the majority of people are superficial assholes (keep in mind those people who are unfairly jealous for a model being attractive simply because they are attractive). So the Model’s life is meeting people who are flattering or assholes. Not always but more than you or I.


    This can make people a bit neurotic. Then add to the fact their entire livelihood is based on the most superficial of things, not who they are as a person, but how they look and how attracted people are to them, and only the strongest willed wont develop insecurities. (Models and a couple Musicians I have met who have sold out Arena’s long ago are some of the most insecure people I have met, even though from a distance they look like people who completely have it put together) So you are going to have to deal with that.


    You are also going to have to deal with everyone and their brother hitting on the model even if you are there for the reasons I said earlier. People on the street, at the club, whatever are going to see her, and want to make a move, and a lot wont care if you are around.


    So if you are the superficial and jealous type, you will absolutely HATE dating a model, and they will quickly tire of you.


    If you ever find yourself in the presence of a model, and want to date one, don’t hit on them. Everyone and their brother hits on them you will get put in a mental basket immediately for being like everyone else.


    Just be a friend to them, treat them like you would anyone you want to hang with, treat em like a normal person (because the hotter, more famous, more followers they have the less people treat them like a normal person but like some object to be conquored) Listen to them, have some compassion to them, basically do what you would with them that you would do with the girl next door. Be sincere and she will be drawn to you, and will chat you up.


    oh one more thing.


    She works with gorgeous male models. Better looking than you will ever be, and younger. And there is a reason she isn’t dating them. She is going to be paid to look sexy with them and look provocative and sometimes even have to kiss them, and if you can’t handle that, go move on, because to her and him its just a job. If you freak out over it it would be like her freaking out over your sales report and accusing you of cheating or what not. You will need to grow thick skin, and not be jealous, and really just be a compassionate caring person.

  7. I model and have dated more than a few women I work with and I can say that some some have big egos some only want sex others are very humble deep and charismatic. Same as women that don’t model. Lol I’d say the only major difference is that some of these women will ride the wave of whoever’s willing to spend money the most money on them and there are a lot of creepy old guys willing to spend a lot of money on them lol

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