Women of Reddit, what are your thoughts on guys who wears suits or dress business casual?

  1. They are kind of formal, I guess. It depends on where they are wearing it. At work in an office? Normal. At a cocktail hour? Normal. At a house party? Kind of overdressed unless it’s a nice dinner or something. While hiking? Wtf is wrong with you? While doing physical labor? Again, wtf?

  2. I don’t have any thoughts on them. Not what I personally find attractive, but good for them for finding their own style and putting some effort into their everyday looks.

  3. I have a real problem with guys not putting their best look forward. I’m sick of all these slob guys that walk around in T-shirts and ball caps. Give me a well-dressed man or give me no one.

  4. Hmm the first thing that comes to my head is “oh, so cool”, i don’t know someone that wears suites even for work, so i usually think is cool. Now, I love when the guy wears suit, and if it use it with a vest~~ just delighted

  5. As someone who has to meet a dressing code at work, I feel, when at home, people should wear what they prefer.
    Men look great in suits, so I wouldn’t complain, but if he wants to wear something more casual/comfortable, no problem either.

    The only thing that I’d not be the biggest fan of is if he wore a hoodie at home.
    ~~Because I’d want to wear it.~~

  6. Mega hot 🔥 It most probably means they have a responsible job, so they seem more reliable and trustworthy.

  7. Sounds like they’re wearing clothes. I will have no way of knowing if they just like those clothes or if they have somewhere they’re going where they have a dress code.

  8. Not common where I live, it’s largely blue collar or golf polos with jeans or khakis. Get me back in the Chicago area and my head is on swivel for men in fine suits. I didn’t know I had a suit thing until I realized I never see guys in suits anymore.

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