Women- how much weight do you gain during your period and when do you lose it?

  1. Anywhere between two to five pounds or so. It usually comes off a few days after it starts.

  2. Maybe a couple pounds from bloat up until last year.

    Suddenly lost weight & got diagnosed with chronic GI issues. Now I struggle with weight gain in general.

    I just wanna be THICC again 😭

  3. I probably gain maybe 5 pounds and get pretty bloated a few days to a week before my period. I start to debloat the second day of my period and go back to my regular size.

  4. Maybe two pounds. Less than the change between a big meal and a big shit.

    I don’t weigh myself often enough to know when it drops off; that way lies madness.

  5. Maybe 5lbs give or take, but it’s always water weight as well as bloating. It’s usually gone by the next few days after it stops.

  6. I didn’t even know this was a legit thing. This happens to me quite often now that i think about it. Just last period i was kicking myself for thinking I gained the weight during the holidays.

  7. I may gain 1-2 of bloat weight, especially if I give in to the sugar cravings, but usually I gain nothing. Then I lose it when I stop being a sugar monster.

  8. I gained anywhere from 3 to 9 pounds in the week leading up to my period, and drop it all between day 3 and 5.

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