My bf and me have been dating for about 2 months and he’s really great. This is my first relationship. something I’ve noticed is that over text everyday he asks me the same questions – “how was your day” “what are you doing now?” “What are you having for dinner?” And whilst I appreciate he is thinking of me, I feel like the conversation over text isn’t stimulating, unless I throw something into the mix that challenges him to think. He doesn’t have this problem in real life though. I feel sad when the convo goes dead but I also don’t want to be the one always asking the thought provoking questions. Sometimes I can see him typing for a long time almost like he doesn’t know what to say to me.

How do I go about solving something like this?

Tldr : Boyfriend asks me same questions on rotation everyday

  1. I don’t need thought provoking questions need to be asked on text? They intimate conversations should be face to face.

  2. This would bother me, but I’ve learned that some people actually like being asked these kinds of questions. He might have read a reddit thread where someone suggested asking questions like this as a way of connecting through conversation.

  3. I would just talk to him about it and let him know you appreciate his effort to make conversation, but you’d like it to be a bit more varied.

  4. Welcome to having an adult relationship.

    He’s not a dancing clown sent to entertain you.

  5. There are some couples apps that give you both one question a day. You can’t see the other person’s answer until you both respond. Then you can react and have a conversation about your answers.

    It won’t solve the problem entirely but you’ll get at least one interesting discussion a day. It’s hard to spur conversations all the time, most people’s daily lives are pretty similar.

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