So I’ve always considered myself a straight woman. I’ve always been attracted to men, but i’ve had phases where I thought I might be bi. I’ve experimented with two other women and enjoyed it, but when it comes to oral, i absolutely hated giving oral to another woman. I actually really like giving oral to men, but I was grossed out when I did it to another woman. I enjoyed kissing, receiving, and breasts, but va**** doesn’t turn me on. I’ve looked on labiaGW and p***y subreddits to see if I would be turned on but I was repulsed by it.

I find every part of a woman beautiful except that. I feel bad for saying it because i’m a woman myself, but I don’t even like my own v*****. The thought of licking something that has discharge and has blood coming out of it certain times of the month is a turn off. I feel bad for feeling this way because I sound like a misogynist.

On the contrary, I find women more aesthetically pleasing to the eye then men. When I see a beautiful woman, I am mesmerized. When I see an attractive man, I’m attracted to him but i’m not mesmerized. I find women more beautiful.

I feel like there’s some celebrities I’d make exceptions for like Megan Fox. I have never really gotten sexually excited staring at a woman, but I still find them really beautiful. Im a Lana Del Rey Fan, when I found out she was very straight, I was a little sad because she would never find me beautiful. This is a super weird feeling because i’m sexually attracted to men, but for some reason I’m sad Lana Del Rey is straight.

Has anyone else felt this way? I’m just really confused about what I am.

  1. Honestly just don’t worry about labeling yourself and just be you and do you. People
    These days are too focused on labeling what it is they ar instead of just living true to themselves.

  2. What you’re describing isn’t unusual at all. Consider straight-identfied men who are really into either femme-presenting people with penises or femme-presenting people with vaginas but would not be attracted to someone who is masc-presenting with a vagina.

    You’re basically the latter except in your case, you find women sexually attractive…but you’re not into vaginas. The spectrum of sexuality is expansive enough for that to be pretty normal in the grand scheme.

    Question: would you be into a femme-presenting person with a penis?

  3. Are you sexually attracted to Women?

    If yes, then you are Bi or possibly pan. It’s a spectrum!

  4. >The thought of licking something that has discharge and has blood coming out of it certain times of the month is a turn off.

    Well, you do you, but I think, a million times more gross stuff comes out of a person’s *mouth* than a little menstrual fluid.

    >Im a Lana Del Rey Fan, when I found out she was very straight, I was a little sad because she would never find me beautiful. This is a super weird feeling because i’m sexually attracted to men, but for some reason I’m sad Lana Del Rey is straight.

    If it makes you feel any better, I’m a straight guy and I really doubt that I will ever get to go down on Lana Del Rey. And yes, I am a little sad about it too.

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