What experience do you have of still being in love with someone who hurt you in some way?

  1. Ahhh I can tell you the whole story about my shit excuse of an ex but I’ll keep it short.

    He’s really manipulative, but somehow can make himself seem innocent. It’s really easy to fall for, since I’ve fell for it three times. I’ve learned my lesson though

  2. My partner…I guess ex now is ghosting me, I should hate him but I don’t. Although I think the hurt has lessened what I feel for him somewhat. Self preservation I guess.

  3. Before my partner of now 5 years and I got together, we had an awkward not quite dating phase. We had both admitted to liking each other and were hanging out more, but weren’t officially dating.

    During this phase we went to a bar where another girl who was alone joined our group. I could tell she liked my partner, so I told him about it on the way home. He was surprised. I told him I wasn’t joking and he was a very pretty man so of course she liked him.

    Few days later I found he had asked her out and I was absolutely heart broken. He was my best friend and in him dating someone else, I realized I was in love with him… I told him but he didn’t want to hurt new girls feelings… I still felt I had to fill the best friend role and give relationship advice… I didn’t give bad advice at all, but eventually the relationship came to an end a few months later and I jumped my now partner. It took a long time before I was able to forgive him making me wait for him. I still have minor trust issues with him talking to other women now even if he didn’t cheat or anything.

    My mom later told me she was about to tel me to stop talking to him because of how depressed I was.

  4. Grew up with my ex and where together 3yrs, known eachother for 7. We had a hard couple of years before breaking up.
    Basically, I learnt what I don’t want in a boyfriend…however, distancing myself from him and learning that I don’t need his validation has been super hard for me

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