Been happily married for 5 years now. We have 2 young boys and are in the tired parent stage of life. Sex is not at the top of our priorities right now, we probably do it about twice a month. We just never have the energy.

My issue is with stamina. When we get to do the deed, I am lasting only a couple of minutes. Never had this issue before. Is this due to lack of practice? I have anxiety having sex with my wife now because I know I am not going to last. It is starting to become an issue. I have thought about trying a blue pill or something along those lines, but I also feel more frequent sex could likely solve the issue. Getting it up is never the issue, only lack of stamina.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation,and if so how did you fix the issue?

  1. It’s probably the anxiety that’s causing it. Perhaps you can schedule date nights or something similar with your wife to add the spark back into the relationship.

  2. Listen. Nothing wrong with taking a pill so you and your partner can both achieve your intimacy.. Have you two tried edging?

  3. Seeing these posts almost daily. Blue pill, hold off on that one. Firstly try pelvic floor exercises (squeezing your bum cheeks together is a good simple one to start and you can do it anywhere)
    Do 10 reps for 4 sets holding for 5 seconds.
    Edge yourself daily, get to the point of orgasm then stop, using your pelvic muscles to stop the orgasm. Do this 5-6 times before actually cumming.
    If you’re going for a wee, sometimes stop yourself mid flow. Then resume. Should see results in around 2 weeks of consistency.
    Also when having sex, just enjoy the moment. If you feel you’re going to cum, ease off. Control your breathing and keep going.
    Being physically out of shape doesn’t help either.

  4. In my mid-forties I was dealing with premature ejaculation and associated performance anxiety induced erectile dysfunction.

    Now in my mid-fifties I get hard as soon as my wife says “…do you want to?”, I can last as long as I want, and maintain a solid erection throughout.

    I attribute this to:

    – Daily edging (w/o ejaculation)

    – Daily pelvic floor exercises (kegels and reverse kegels)

    – Daily yoga w/pelvic floor aimed poses

    – Daily aerobic exercise

    – Daily drinking green tea w/ginger and ginseng.

    When I say “daily”, I generally mean 5 days.

    I saw noticeable within a few months and major improvements over the first year or so. Stamina just kept on getting better, as did erections, so I kept up the routine.

  5. I would say this is due to lack of practice. My husband and I went through this phase. I had no sex drive. All the kids and work. We had sex maybe once a week. And that was a stretch sometimes. We started working on making time for each other. And have been having sex every single day for the last 5-6 months. Several times a day. And he can last for 45 minutes to and hour now. He was always a sex addict just didn’t get it enough to last. I will say that since we have started making time for sex. Our relationship has been so much better. I would spend all day in the bedroom with him. If I could. But I’m making sure I get it at least 3 times a day. 💁🏻‍♀️😜😎 also, we are trying for a 4th baby. So practice makes perfect.

  6. I would suggest to consider a testorone booster. However I would consult a doctor first.
    Ive used testoprime in the past, which helped but you’ll need to have something of a active lifestyle otherwise it’s not really going to help much

  7. Jerk off slowly and edge. Prolong the jerk off session. If you can last doing that for ten mins or more that’s good practice.

    If you then only last two mins having sex it’s probably all a self fulfilling prophecy. You think you will come fast so you do.

    A blue pill only helps make you hard.

  8. In the same boat very hard to get time together. Maybes once a week. Think having strong glutes help!

  9. Oh ya I’m 38 m. It got so bad that I literally would put it in and barely move and start cumming. Eventually I began to have such a complex about it I couldn’t even get hard anymore. That is a worse problem I promise. Eventually I just told myself that I love sex with my wife and that I am be a great lover who knows what to do to please my woman and both those problems went away. Mind over Matter I guess. It’s easy to get down on yourself. As for the desire and energy part, that’s a good one. Luckily my wife wants me as much as ever so I can’t turn her down even if I’m asleep I will wake up to fuck.

  10. Thanks for all of the replies everyone. I am getting my T levels checked next month. Other than that I’m going to try some edging and pelvic floor exercises.

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