Do you have a fear of ending up being single for the rest of your life and why?

  1. I plan to be single for the rest of my life, so no. But I do have a slight fear that I will end up regretting staying single later in life.

  2. Not really, I am pretty comfortable being alone for the moment and I know I’ll find my person in the future. Mainly cause I know I’m working on myself and I have faith that it’ll show in the future.

  3. Not anymore I’m gonna die anyway so if I’m by myself or with loved ones doesn’t bother me

  4. Yes. I liked it when I had a girlfriend, and the more time passes, the less likely it feels that I’ll find another one.

  5. I mean, that’s very likely going to be the rest of my life, but it isn’t something I fear.

  6. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Yes because I’d like a loving family at some point but on the other hand I don’t trust women at all right now.

  7. I’m not sure I would characterize mine as a fear, but while I chose to not pursue relationships, I admit that the lack of that type of emotional connection hurts a lot and I often think the whole situation has gone badly wrong; that said, if I were to actually jump in I’m sure I would still be terminally single because I’m the opposite of a catch, nothing good to offer and more than enough bad to make it pointless.

  8. No. I feel very full with the life I have built myself and the friends I have. To be honest I don’t really want to have to consider working around another person in my life. That might sound a little selfish but I just truly feel like I don’t ever need another person in my life in that context.

    I have turned down advances from friends a couple of times and and that feels bad and I wonder if I made a mistake in those times. But I’m also asexual and I feel like that would make it very hard for whoever I end up dating…

    I spend all of my free time doing what I want to do and it feels great so far though!

  9. Pretty much reconciled myself to it after my partner died unexpectedly at 36, but I’ve got lots of friends and family around and I keep busy.

    Never know what life is going to throw at you, being happily married, buying a house, and starting to plan a family together is no guarantee that things will go according to plan.

  10. Yes. I make sure I’m dead by the time that I can’t work, but if I find someone I will try my best to be there for them and will stick around longer.

  11. I used to. Not anymore though. Because I realized all I need to focus on is improving my life with my mental health, financially and socially. All I have to focus on now is my financial stability and I’m set. If I find someone worth having in my life as far as a romantic relationship that’s just a bonus in my eyes.

  12. Found love before. It died with her. I’m just exploring life with me til the end…I’ve been more than okay with it so far

  13. yes i’m pushing 40 was married 4 years and have been divorced 12 years. i married young and naive. i blame myself she was good to me. we just grew apart over time. all this time i haven’t attempted to move on and find someone else. i’m so ashamed.

  14. I am 58 and know I will be single for the rest of my life. No kids and when my Dad passes away that will be the last family. My only concern is ending up laying in a bed in a nursing home for the last part of my life. Or hurting myself at home and no one finding me. My only hope is that the mail carrier will notice that the box if not being emptied and call the cops for a wellness check.

  15. No. It’s something I had to deal in my 20′. Being single in your 30′ seems like a blessing.

    I am also aware that I am way better off single than with someone that isn’t amazing. And it’s not realistic for me to “get” someone amazing. You get what you are, not what you want.

  16. Me after reading the replies: I was feeling lazy so I was not going to lift. I think I have changed my mind.

  17. yes, because it’s so easy to stay alone and meeting new people is hard for me since I don’t have any social hobbies

  18. Not scared but part of me wishes if I’ll get the opportunity to enjoy a serious relationship before I die. Not a conditional relationship, one with genuine attraction and respect with a woman. I don’t want to be with the wrong person out of desperation, but I also don’t want to be single with the only person that I ever get hugs from is my mom.

  19. I do. Low self-esteem, plus social awkwardness that I’ve struggled with since I was little.

    Not a combination that I particularly like.

  20. I think every man gets to a point in life where they finally understand whether they want a relationship or not and if you realize your just not built for one I guess you just accept it for what it is. So short answer no

  21. If you feel the need of a partner, you will likely have fear of being without one.

    But some of us are an army of one. A self-contained human RV.

    We prefer to watch rather than get involved.

  22. I’ll admit to that fear, it’s probably one of my biggest fears if I’m being honest. It manifests mostly as a fear that my social circle is no longer growing and that it will eventually shrink to nothing. My parents will eventually die, my one sibling has already moved to the other side of the country, and my other sibling is looking to do the same, and my friends will eventually find SOs and get married and possibly move away themselves, and I’ll be all alone. I fear waking up on Thanksgiving or Christmas someday in the future and have no one to spend those days with.

    I know that finding a Girlfriend isn’t the only way to address this fear, but expanding my social circle in other ways now as a nearly 30 year old man is hard to the point of feeling impossible, and dating already feels completely impossible for me already.

  23. Yes because I’m 30 with no kids or wife while each and everyone of my siblings has kids and a partner.

  24. I’d say I’m in between being scared of it and just accepting and making peace with it.

    As for why, I’m in my late 20’s and not currently open to dating because I have issues that I personally believe preclude me from being a good partner. That’s not beating myself down, that’s just a reality. I’m working on those issues, but it’s going to take A while to get through them to the point of considering myself “viable” – at which point I’ll be into the difficult years for dating. In addition, due to societal changes, the amount of women that I would consider is seemingly shrinking, and it’s not going to be getting any larger as I get older. If anything, it’ll be getting progressively/exponentially smaller.

    It does feel like many of my life choices have counted me out of “normal” life experiences, and this may just be one of them. It does sadden me, because I would *love* to have a family one day, but I’m coming to terms with understanding that it’s not guaranteed to happen. Doesn’t mean I won’t stop striving for it though.

  25. No, a firm no. I would actually prefer being just in a happy relationship with myself rather than be in a relationship when I know that I am not really ready for it.

  26. If I were ever going to be single all my life, I guess it calls for some self-spoiling. And to answer your question, no, definitely not. I can live my life to the fullest this way too.

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