Do the homeless in USA have a better life than a homeless in a third world country?

  1. We have a lot of shelters and programs to help the homeless out here, I would doubt third world countries would be able to have nearly as many as we do.

  2. A lot of US cities have programs and services for homeless people. So for example, even if they’re living outside, they can often get some kind of medical care, mental health care (especially if they need medication), drug treatment, food programs, donations of clothes and other basic needs. There are also many welfare/social services programs that can provide some case management, help getting jobs, a very small amount of money, and food stamps (money for some groceries, not all the food you’d need though).

  3. I can’t speak to the third world, but the homeless here are entitled to emergency medical care, equal protection under the law, and freedom of movement. They can go from California to Texas to anywhere in the nation and they are legally protected in this movement.

    They also benefit from material abundance. There are many charities that provide meals and toiletries and some basic social functions. They are not nearly as plentiful as Europe, but they do exist.

  4. I think it is too broad a question. In which way? Physically, emotionally, legally, safety wise?

    I think we can’t compare because it can be different for each person. I don’t think sleeping on a sidewalk is nice anywhere.

    We have services here that can help if they will accept the help. We have shelters but those have rules and not all want rules. It’s a controversial topic because there is a lack of affordable housing in the larger cities but there are also people who refuse shelters or halfway houses and such, because of the sober rules.

  5. Likely better than most places just because we have so much wealth in the US and significant assistance available to the chronically poor and homeless.

    I can’t imagine being homeless in Nairobi is superior to being homeless in LA.

  6. I would say absolutely yes. Most cities have programs to house, feed, clothe and supply medical help to the homeless, some will supposedly even give them a bus ticket to another city.

  7. I would imagine so, because we have government programs and charities to assist homeless people. Our system is not perfect but it’s a step in the right direction.

  8. I can’t speak for other countries, but unfortunately in the US, a lot of homeless people suffer from mental illness which makes them less likely to avail themselves of the resources available to them. I’m guessing that many Western European countries have a better ‘mental health safety net’ than the US. not sure about how third world countries handle mental health.

  9. King County (where Seattle is) has approximately 12,000 homeless people and in 2021 and 2022 we spent a combined $330M on initiatives to help. Is that helping more than third world countries? The fuck if I know.

  10. Yes. I’ve seen how the homeless are treated in Malaysia. The shop owners literally beat them with baboon until they leave.

  11. The homeless in the US have a better life than the poor of a third world country. I’m from Chicago and every other homeless person is obese. A homeless person in a third world country has the real possibility of dieing from starvation.

  12. They have potentially more resources available, but that doesn’t mean that they are making use of them. In my area all the homeless shelters do not allow drugs and everything you bring in has to be searched. As a result the shelters aren’t even close to full when it’s freezing outside and there’s homeless camps everywhere.

  13. I mean low key worst case scenario just go to prison since we decided to give those guys luxury. Compared to other countries

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