Short hair or long hair?

I personally like a lot short hair and often see myself having a crush just based on that but my friends (females and males) often tell me that’s kind of strange and it’s way more common to like long haired girls… What do you think is more “Attractive” or common to like?

I’m not asking for the “truth” just an opinion based on your experiences.

  1. More common to like is probably long hair (depending on how short short is, but I’ll just count everything about shoulderlength or longer as long for this purpose) but that doesn’t mean short hair can’t be attractive on females aswell.

    It mostly depends on ones taste and the person having that hairstyle.

  2. Depends how long and how short. Style helps a lot too. In general just above the shoulder to a few inches past the shoulder is the sweet spot for me. Too long gets annoying and in the way, too short a lot of times is masculine.

  3. Depends on how you look otherwise, how you dress etc. Truth is you can pull off both looks. In general, if you aren’t conventionally attractive, it is usually the better idea to have the hair longer.

  4. Over a representative population, long hair. Doesn’t mean there aren’t many guys that prefer short hair or don’t have a preference. Just that between the two, long hair would be more often preferred

  5. Your friends are morons. You choose what you like and not a general consensus of stupid bots.

  6. I tend to prefer longer hair. A person has to truly have a beautiful face to pull off shorter hair.

    Thankfully beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

    People with various hairstyles manage to find partners and spouses all the time!

  7. Gimme a short haired girl any day of the week. Pixie cuts aren’t my thing, but I love some short to medium length hair, bonus if you got the curls. Just makes me wanna give them a noogie tbh, I love that shit

  8. Personally, for my own tastes (41M), I have never encountered attractive short hair. There are women whose bodies and faces are so attractive that they still look good despite the short hair, but it’s still *less* attractive than they would have looked with long hair.

    *~~who’s~~ whose

  9. Well longer hair is typically seen as more feminine maybe that why? Longer hair ftw

  10. Its all subjective.. Alicia keys makes short corn rows look amazing. Cara delevigne with short hair like pixie cut. Then you look at Lucy Liu with short or long hair.

    There are men who thinks short hair always looks worse no matter who the person is. However theres men that don’t care and don’t think its less feminine at all.

    TLDR who cares it’s your own opinion and body that reacts to what you feel pleasing or attractive.

  11. It depends on the women, more specifically how their head are shapped, some of them’ll look better with short hair while others with long hair.

  12. I have heard several versions of this from different women. “I’ve thought about cutting my hair short, but my boyfriend would cry/scream/dump me/not recognize me”

  13. I’ve (70M) told my bestie (64M) for decades that long hair is an attractive feature to most men that overrides fully evaluating her other features. He confirmed that surmise, over time, by telling me he was attracted to this or that long-haired woman, who was otherwise below average in face, body personality. He went through a string of such women.

    So, most men like long hair.

    I preferred, in my feral years, a short-cut, bleach blonde woman with, common in those days, thin, athletic form and nice personality. That ‘look’ is the quintessential “California girl”, one I’d assume she projected deliberately. Such women tended to have other features that made them compatible with me and great gf material.

    AND it’s harder to hide other, unfortunate features about herself when the camouflage drops.

    Keep it short!

  14. Long hair seems to be the more conventional look, but it depends. I eventually get bored of mine when long because I have thin, relatively straight hair and it eventually looks flat and kind of scraggly. Then I get it cut to shoulder length and get lots of compliments on it and it usually doesn’t take as long to style.

    Not a huge fan of the “boy short” look but you do you.

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