Women of Reddit, what do you never tell a guy?

  1. Well depends on the guy and what sort of relationship I have with them. Do you mean a guy in general, like a colleague, or a date, or a boyfriend or spouse?

  2. My husband? My male friends? I tell them pretty much everything. Random dude hitting on me at a bar and I’m not interested? I’ll never tell him my real name or number.

  3. My body count. It’s in the triple digits at this point so that would scare a lot of guys off.

  4. Depends on who the guy is, my bf gets told every single thing that comes into my brain, and every single thing about my body, no matter what it’s about… I don’t tell other men anything personal though, whether it’s a problem I’m dealing with or something to do with my body system – I keep that stuff for my bf and gals only 🙌

  5. In general, I don’t think I’ve told any man what I weigh. Not even my husband. I like to keep it as a mysterious number that I can tweak when I see fit.

  6. I saw a video that if a guy may ask you “what do you look for in a partner” you should just say “someone who is himself and authentic” or something along those lines. Giving someone the blueprint may give them an opportunity to show up inauthentically which may lead to disappointment and resentment on either side

  7. That if I need to routinely finish myself off later, that means they’re bad at sex.

    I don’t tell them because I stop seeing them.

    If it’s a guy I care about that cannot take criticism: I wouldn’t tell him how I made/make certain modifications to better suit his limitations. Whether that is work, sex, socialization, anything. How I ~~most of the time~~ sometimes have to work around him instead of with him. I wouldn’t tell him this because it’d be someone I think brings a positive value to my life overall, hence the generosity.

    If it’s a guy I care about that can take criticism and flourish as a result: Ask him to marry me? Haven’t met him.

  8. I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t tell *some* guy. If it’s a specific guy, such as my dad, I’m not gonna share about my drug use, sex life, religious views, and anything about politics.

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