People have basically commented that I was an Introvert. I really don’t want to give off that vibe. I have tried acting more excited and outgoing but they seem to figure it out somehow.

  1. Maybe you are a introvert after all like me, but that’s totally fine, because socializing and becoming an extrovert is something that can be learned. If you want people to think you’re an extrovert and energetic always front load your energy, when first meeting try to show all they energy you can and set a playful tone by answering questions by the opposite expected answer, after that you can get back to your normal energy level. But always remember what Aristotle said “ Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god. “ So embrace it.

  2. You can’t bro, just accept yourself and find people who accept you. You can try all you want, but you’ll only be balancing feeling drained and wanting to be extroverted with just being yourself and relaxed. You can mitigate by acting more extroverted sometimes (but don’t do all the time because you can’t). To act extroverted, just learn the basics and practice. You can improve everything by practice, but alas, you cannot change your nature.

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