A guy who’s physically more stronger, and would be able to win a physical fight against you. How would you react?

  1. It depends on the type and extent of harassment.

    I mean, if he’s just making verbal comments, my partner can more than handle herself.

    If he’s like grabbing at her, I gotta physically intervene and take my ass-whooping.

  2. Harassing how? Like the common idiot? Just remove ourselves from the situation like any rational adult would.

  3. Lol just because i will lose does not mean he will win. He will have injurys after its over that I promise.

    Once ur trained enough all it takes is a moment of weakness to win a fight. Matter the size.

  4. I’m not scared to lose a fight but I’ll have a lower opinion of myself if I couldn’t maintain her dignity and modesty.

  5. Define harassment. If he’s saying stupid shit, we leave the area. Don’t feed into petty BS. If we can’t leave for whatever reason, I’d confront him and hopefully it ends there. I trained BJJ and Muay Thai for years before giving it up for weightlifting a few years ago so I’m confident enough to at least confront any guy, doesn’t mean I want to fight them though. Hopefully that can be avoided; fights are unpredictable and extremely dangerous. If it does come down to a fight, I would only ever do that in a populated area where bystanders are around. If this is some weird hypothetical where we’re in a dark alleyway at night, I’m not about to get stabbed. That’s what I have guns for.

  6. First, be prepared for the fight. If you hit first, you got better chances. It includes tools (there are plenty non lethal weapons you could make use of).

    Second, try to talk it out. It’s usually easy to let the guy go his own way without making a mess of the situation.

    Third, train when you can do that such a situation cannot happen.

    And lastly, try to not get in that situation. You can say which guys are trouble at a glance, simply do enough that a fight won’t occur by not provoking them (even if it’s tempting sometimes).

    Edit: I’d still fight a losing fight if it’s for my partner, or anyone I hold dear.

  7. Try to remove us from the situation. Failing that defend her and hope I don’t get the shit beaten out of me.

  8. I would tell him “Hey, yo mama fat”, and then watch him leave drmatically crying while my partner falls into my arms

  9. First off, avoid the scenario. There will always be assholes who are bigger than you in this world. If it comes down to it, pepper spray.

  10. Pretty sure she’d handle it/de-escalate it herself before I could think of anything to do. Which is to say: She’d do it pretty quickly.
    If we’re getting into weird “What if some seven foot colossus of a dude started to rape your gf/wife in an abandoned parking lot and there’s no one else there” territory? Prolly the same thing I’d do if a giant dude were trying rape _me_ in an abandoned parking lot. Trust that one of us would gouge out his eyes or mangle his genitals enough to allow us to escape.

  11. You ever seen the Key and Peele sketch where Meegan gets called a bitch by a big, tough guy and Keegan’s character confronts him and gets laid out by a single punch? Probably like that.

  12. I was sitting at a bar next to my wife years ago when this really stocky, tough looking guy walks in, scans the bar from the door, sees my wife and I and makes a beeline to us. He wedged himself in-between us and starts talking shit to me and overtly hitting on my wife.

    For the life of me I can’t remember what I said, but it was intentionally funny and he let out a chuckle. IMMEDIATELY he lost his tough-guy face and I saw his entire body relax. It’s just really hard to pretend to be tough when you’re laughing and I used that against him.

    After that he apologized and bought us both rounds. He said he’d just left from signing divorce papers from his wife of 10 years and was pissed and upset and either wanted to beat some ass or get his ass beat, and he claimed I was the toughest looking guy in the bar. My wife (fiance at the time) and I talked to him for probably 30 minutes before we left.

    Now, I’ve never been in a real fight so I don’t know what I’d have done. The 2 times someone has tried to get physical with me (a sucker punch to my face and a running tackle) I immediately wrestled them to the ground and pinned them and let them know continuing wasn’t going to work out for them. Both were in my late teens long ago.

    But now I carry a handgun whenever I legally can in case my or my families life is ever in danger. And in a bar where I can’t carry, there’s still pepper spray in my pocket. I guess the pepper spray would have come out if that recent divorcee had decided to get physical and I wasn’t able to deescalate.

  13. If he’s just talking then I can tell him to shut it, or we can just walk away. If he tries to lay his hands on her then all bets are off and we’ll fight. If I get my ass kicked so, be it, but there’s certain behavior I won’t ignore.

  14. Fights are not purely about strength. People who do not understand this will usually lose to someone who does.

  15. Depends. Just some asshole shouting obsenities? We’ll just walk away. He starts being grabby and physical, I’d just pull on the guy and shoot him. Stand your ground laws are nice like that.

  16. Two things:

    1) This is so vague that it is impossible to answer

    2) Only because someone can win and is stronger does not mean he would actually fight.

    This whole question seems to be aswell thought out as a 14year olds pipe dream about being an alpha and having a girlfriend tbh.

  17. Most people think they can fight until they’re actually in a fight. I’ve seen plenty of “big guys” get knocked tfo by a scrawny kid half their size. Once that adrenaline gets going and animal instincts kick in, it’s really a coin toss as to who would win a 1 on 1 fight.

    Call the guy out on being a Neanderthal and stand your ground. Most bullies don’t know what to do when someone stands up to them.

  18. My guess is youve never been in a fight. Its not about winning. What is winning a fight anyway? Killing the other guy? Knocking him out. Thats really rare in fights. Street fights i mean.


    The goal is hurt him. Hes bigger, stonger. Okay. You think he can take a kick in the nuts? How about a broken nose? I promise no matter how big you aare your nose breaks just as easy.


    How about his eyes, can he fight if he cant see?? Se where im going? A fight is a fight. Hurt them. They are hurting you already by fucking with your SO. Hurt them back.


    Now there is a few caveats here. If the guy is a trained fighter. You just have leave. Treat it like a bear attack. Theres just not much you can do. You wont land anything and he might kill you.


    They are involved in a gang or some sort of criminal enterprise, where hurting the offender may actaully cause you more problems then what he is causing you now.


    If its a made guy or a crip or something, again just leave. Bear attack.

  19. That’s why it’s important to learn how to fight, so that someone just being stronger isn’t the deciding factor. Also, there’s no shame in losing a fight. Sometimes you have to let people know they might win, but they will take some damage too.

  20. what do you mean by harass?

    if it’s words, you leave.

    if he is actively hitting or grabbing her, you must die trying.

  21. This is why I practice brazilian jiu jitsu. Someone is always going to be bigger, stronger, faster but it takes learning timing, patience, and leverage to twist you up into a pretzel.

  22. Verbal, I wave goodbye and keep moving.

    Physical, I look for any sharp object, rock, or anything I can use to seriously hurt him.

    I mean, humanity didn’t get here by punching the mammoth.

  23. I always find a way to not have to engage in base behavior. I don’t fight.

    But if I have to I have to. In that case my partner would need to stall him until I sneak around with a golf club. But seriously…there’s no fighting. I’m not fred flintstone over here.

  24. So, whose going to tell OP that there is no such thing as a fair fight? Oooo you’re Bigger and Stronger than me!! Ooooo hows them nuts I just kicked up into your throat taste? Oooooo hows that concrete taste?

    It doesn’t matter whose Bigger & Stronger in a fight. It matters who is willing to be more vicious & drop the stupid stupid idea of “Honorable Combat”.

  25. I consider myself a small guy. 5’8 189 lbs. Not the strongest guy in the world. I max at about 170 lbs. But damn ever since I started Jujitsu and boxing my confidence in coming f2f with someone has shit up. So in this situation now know I would tell them to fuck off and fight then if need be.

  26. Deescalate as much as I can because I am not stupid.

    Or just take her by her arm and leave.

  27. If someone shouts nice ass. I take the compliment for her. “Thanks bro ive been working out”
    If someone grabs her, theyre going down before they know what theyve done. Balls, solar plexus , eyes or a foot right up their arsehole. If i can get behind them there’s so much damage you can do to anyone before they have chance to react you just have to act fast.
    This isnt a fight, this is a message and theyll get it quick.

  28. Tell him to show some respect without flinching. If it comes to blows, start swinging. Never go down without a fight. If you shrink, your partner may never respect you again. You dont need to win, but standing up for them will honor the trust they place in you to keep them safe. If you go down and they don’t respect that you did your best, then maybe you don’t have the relationship you thought. Also, as a side note, aim low kick feet knees and balls no matter how strong you can’t defend where there is no muscle.

  29. My reasoning may be flawed here but I think it to be proper to stand up to the aggressor by reason of your partner recognizing that you are sticking up for them, even against daunting odds. Regardless of whether a fight breaks out or not, you made a move to protect someone you love. Such action, more than likely, will not go unacknowledged by your partner. It holds the potential of garnering respect.

    Again, that’s just my take on it.

  30. Physically stronger does not equal superior fighter. Speed and endurance will always surpass strength, if used properly. Also, I don’t care how much stronger someone is. If they mess with my partner, I’m getting in their face. If you stand up, most will back off. If they don’t, foot to the knee cap followed by knee to the chin.

  31. Physical-wise, I would fight for my lady. Size doesn’t matter, my fellas. There should be no hindrance when you’re standing up for your woman. Be brave and risk everything for her.

  32. Doesn’t matter how big he is and whether I win or lose. I’ll attack him if he gets physical with my girlfriend.

  33. Physical strength or in this case probably just the appearance of it alone doesn’t mean someone is tough or knows how to throw a punch. Strength helps, speed helps, reflexes help, reach helps, skill and training help a lot. Personally i take it as a man’s duty to be able to physically defend his family when it’s really needed. Just spending a couple hours a week in a boxing gym goes a long way towards that .

    Realistically, verbally intervening with the appropriate level of confidence is usually enough to make them back off. You don’t have to be tougher than them, you’ve just got to make them think it’s going to be more trouble than it’s worth.

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