Have you ever called/texted any of the random phone numbers scratched into public bathroom stalls and portable potties? What happened?

  1. Back when I was a young drug addict I was withdrawing and I felt like death. I went to a random bathroom in a gas station and saw a good time number. I figured hookers can get drugs. So I hit them up and asked for drugs.

    It turns out it was a college student who did not do drugs. And he thinks his dumb ass friend wrote his name on it.

    And as someone who works in construction. And pees in blue houses more than my own. Most of those numbers are a coworkers or someone’s ex.

  2. I did out of boredom. Ended up being an excellent apiarist and now I manage a dozen colonies of healthy honeybees. I had a friend do the same and he got shanked by a guy named Killa Phresh in a Family Dollar parking lot. You win some, you lose some.

  3. It’s a long story. Let’s just say, when your mom answered the phone it got crazy real fast. If you know what I’m saying and I think you do.

  4. At one point in my career, I had a job that took me all over my state fixing bank equipment. Sometimes it was anywhere from 3 – 6 hours one way. I’d get bored and find different routes just so I could explore my state. Well I took a different route one day and had to use the restroom. I pull over at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere. I’m in the stall and look and see there’s a “Be here at this time on this day for a good time”. Well, it was that day and just about that time. I quickly finished and dashed outta there. There were other cars there and some semi trucks, so I didn’t want to find out what could have happened.

  5. I like to sign them up to random mailing lists. Enjoy your religious literature and advertising, Good Time Mike

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