Back in the days when I was on tinder, I matched with this girl who posted a list of expectations from the guy she’d accept to see.
After a week of texting, she apparently caught a grammar glitch in my text(I speak 4 languages and English isn’t my native language albeit no on notices that), and she proceeds to tell me that she no longer wants to plan a date IRL because she “wants a man who’s got his shit together, not someone that makes a grammar mistake”.
To that I responded that she speaks English because it’s the only language she knows, while I speak English because it’s the only language “she knows”, right before she unmatched me 🤣

  1. When i go out with her and, ended doing nothing, cuz we didn’t know where to go, so I’m just driving her for 2 hours,

  2. The best date I had was also the worst one for me… Not for being a bad date but there was no follow-up date and I was ghosted shortly after. I’ve not really had a typically bad date, to be honest

  3. Went on an ice skating date once. He spent the entire time debating me on everything. I couldn’t say a single thing without him giving his opinion on why it was wrong. Then he asked me like 8 times if he could touch my butt. This place was FILLED with little kids. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Needless to say, there wasn’t a second date 😂

  4. I have had several bad dates. The worst was when meeting a woman IRL for a first date. Her photos had to be at least from 15+ years ago. When I met her, she looked old enough to be my mother. We sat and ordered, and she was talking completely different than we had over our messages. I couldn’t finish my meal fast enough to pay and get out. I’ve not met up with her again.

  5. if someone posts a list of expectations instead of talking about it normally, it would only be downhill from there

  6. > albeit no *on* notices

    Get your shit together OP!

    Here’s my worst first date:

    When I was in uni I went clubbing and got around 11 numbers that night.

    One of the girls complained that I had already got her friends number earlier, I told her that I liked her better (I had no idea who her friend was at this point), texted them all the same messages that night.

    Some replied straight away and I started conversations, two of the responses from girls were the same each time and they revealed that they were the two friends and one was sleeping over at the others. I asked which one was the one I spoke to last and she revealed herself, we set up a date.

    We had a great time and she had a pretty face but her body type wasn’t my type (nothing wrong just not for me). So I wasn’t planning to meet up with her again, only I get on the train home and realise I left my phone in her purse 🤦.

    Once I got home I had to use my sister’s phone to call my phone to arrange for the girl to meet me the following day to get my phone back, she says she can but will be with her friend from that night. I said that’s cool, I will grab my phone and get out of their hair (i.e. I don’t want to stick around as it will be with her friend that I messed about and her that I’m not interested in).

    So we meet the following day, it’s awkward (she had got the picture I wasn’t interested) and to top it off, her friend was much more my type 🤣.

    Before anyone jumps down my throat I’ve matured a lot since then, this was 17 years ago.

  7. In high school.
    Our second date… she brings two friends.
    They’re cute, so I say, let’s roll with it.

    I end up paying for everything $$$ and our date was basically a girls night out.

  8. Haha.

    It’s a lost cause when the minor errors of your text messages is enough of a dealbreaker.

  9. Went on a date and he was wanting me to Toss him off in a bar pulling his 🍆 out!

  10. Drive three hours to meet where she wanted, she shows up two hours late. After a quick hello she gets on her phone and doesn’t look up the whole time. One word answers to questions. The whole thing was just a shit show. Weirdly we got along great in text. It was amazing. Turns out that’s the only way she can communicate, I guess.

  11. Technically not a date since she didn’t show but still was the worst date planned.

    Made plans to meet on Saturday afternoon to go ice skating it was Tuesday (This would have been the 2nd date). Friday I text her just saying hey you good for tomorrow and get a yeah for sure I will see you tomorrow.

    So FF to Saturday morning the rinks downtown which is an hour train ride so I leave at a good time enough to get the Destination rent some skates and maybe get a drink for skating so I message her that I am on the train should be there a little bit before my date. 45 minutes go by nothing, I message her back that I am OMW.

    Finally at the rink a few minutes before our date I message again that I am there, still nothing. An hour and a half goes by of just skating enjoying my time finally I say fuck this go home. 30 minutes into my train ride back date messages back sorry slept in maybe next time.

  12. My worst date was she texting ALL THE TIME IN THE PHONE. While i was trying to socialize with her.

    Then she wanted me to go home in like 1hour and so on.. long story but it was tte worst dating experience in my life.

  13. Years ago I met a girl at a bar. We hit it off, exchanged numbers, and I called her a few days later. As a date she invited me to a party at her dad’s house the next Saturday- said they were having a band and all kinds of good stuff.

    I show up for this “party” and it doesn’t seem to be much going on except for a few cars. She answers the door and immediately I can tell she’s trashed. She takes me down into the basement where the band is playing. The “band” just her dad playing some shity guitar. They had a few friends over and that was the whole party. 4 people.

    My wonderful date kept disappearing into the bathroom to do coke with her friend (which I wanted no part of). Her dad kept talking about some guy that was coming to the party named Pee-Wee Johnson who wanted to meet me. Whatever.

    I found a beer and was already planning my exit from this disaster when her dad runs upstairs to go get the door. He says Pee Wee is here……

    Next thing Her dad comes downstairs TOTALLY NAKED except for wearing some type of breast appendage with 3 (three) big tits and another one below with HUGE nuts and a small dick – Pee Wee Johnson. 🙄

    Her dad gets on stage (still naked) and starts singing again to the three people in the room. I decide I’ve really got to get the fuck out of here. I noticed that my date is gone. I go upstairs to find her puking. I help her into a nearby bed and throw a trash can nearby. I stay with her for a little while to make sure she doesn’t choke or something. She was in very bad shape.

    About this time a 12 year old girl shows up out of nowhere. Her younger sister. I wound up talking to this kid, turns out she did martial arts. At this time I was a heavyweight martial arts champ. We compared notes and actually knew some same people. I had more in common with her than my stupid, drunk, coked-out, puking date.

    I soon got up to leave and pointed towards my now passed out “date” who is still out of her mind told the kid “be smart dont wind up like this” and walked out.

  14. There’s a lot of messed up people in the world.

    One date told me I was never allowed to talk to my ex wife ever. I said I have young kids with her, we will need to talk occasionally to co parent.

    Recently a woman I was dating for two months dumped me bc I was friends with my ex wife on Facebook.

    Another time I was on a first date and she was glued to her phone for like 20 minutes. I saw that she was texting guys on the dating app that we used. I said I needed to use the restroom and got up and left.

    I put my arm around a girl at the end of a third date and she said are you proud of yourself.

    Dating sucks. I don’t do it anymore. It’s a waste of time, effort and money.

  15. I have competition for this one.

    1. She agreed to go out for Italian food and when we met up at the place informed me that she was allergic to every common ingredient Italian food has (including basil, tomatoes, and cream). When we went for a drink she told me that she doesn’t like opossum because they sneak into her house and hiss at her which she responds to by catching them in shoeboxes and throwing them in the dumpster hoping they die… Later on she told me (a male) that she intends to come out as a lesbian when her best friend does as a show of support.

    2. She agreed to meet up for tea, but upon arriving at the tea shop informed me that she isn’t a fan of tea. Her idea of a second date was asking me to some weird fashion show her MLM put together without telling me it was also a sales pitch. She literally just said it was a fashion show and party.

    1 was probably worse, but a friend of mine told me she finds 2 worse so I’m posting both. Either way, both of them could have told me that the place wasn’t going to work before we got there.

  16. Well it’s the only date I’ve gone on and I don’t really count it, you’ll understand why….

    When I was 15 this guy that I really liked asked me out on a date, he wanted to go to see a movie and go to dinner with me. I asked if I could buy the tickets to the movies because I’m really picky about where I want to sit and he said fine ,they he would give me his part when we met there and we could go have dinner at a restaurant at a mall,that I could choose because he had no problem eating in any of the restaurants there.
    The date was on a Friday after school,so that morning in school we talked and I told him that I was excited but slightly nervous & he said I had nothing to be nervous about,that we’ve known each other for a while ,it was just going to be like if we were going out in a group but just us, lol.

    We agreed to meet 15 minutes before the time the movie was going to start but me being a freak with time got there 25 minutes before the movie , texted him I was there and he said “cool I’m on my way”.

    Yeah, he never showed up… I waited 40 mins after the movie before I gave up hope & just walked around the mall to kill time before I texted my mom to come and get me . I was at the mall for like 5 hours alone ,just walking around stores,I ate something in the food court and I felt absolutely embarrassed. I kept texting him and he just ghosted me.

    What I didn’t think about was the fact that I had to see him on Monday at school & when I walked into the classroom him and his group of friends started laughing at me & he said that he couldn’t believe I actually thought that he was going on a date with me, that guys like him don’t date girls like me and motioned to my body (I’ve always been on the chubby/fat side). And I just turned around and left the classroom,I faked throwing up and that I felt bad so that someone had to pick me up from school & my grandma did ,she took me to her house and I just cried the whole day.

    After that,I just ignored him and went on with my life but after that, I’ve never been on a date , not that guys ask me because they don’t but I’m scared, like I even created a method so if in a future I get asked on a date or a guy agrees to go on a date with me,I’m not embarrassed in public & im going in with the mindset that he’s not going to show up so it sucks less if he doesn’t.

  17. His car broke down after our date so I had to drop him off home and he didn’t say thank you

  18. Not sure if it’s the first date where:

    – I had to plan everything and then waited for the man who was late and didn’t apologize.. and he smelt bad

    – the guy begged me to come back to his place or instead give him a blowjob in the car

    – the guy argued with me on every single topic

    – the guy who reached into my pants and grabbed my butt on the first date???

    Yeah oof and There’s prob more I’m forgetting

  19. Mentioned this one before: I was talking to someone on tinder and she seemed really nice and lot in common. Arranged to go to restaurant and first she was late, was waiting around then some person I never say before sits down and explains she used her house mate’s photo and I was talking to her house mate as no one likes her, “men are arseholes and wouldn’t look at her” causing a big scene at the restaurant. I just paid for drinks and GTFO of there as tapping cards makes it so easy

    Another one (ages ago now) was where she was on her phone all the time during the meal and gave mostly one word answers. Turns out she just wanted a free meal, which she didn’t get . If you only go out with someone on a date for free food, you are trash

  20. Mine was this past weekend lol.

    I had been talking to a girl for a few days and she invited me to a New Year’s Party. I never met her before this and it was at a house in a bad part of the city. Needless to say I was uncomfortable. I got to the party and it was all her friends dead silent when I got in. I introduced myself and they were playing some card games and asking me things like “have you ever gotten injured while doing the nasty?” “who is your favorite adult actress?” and stuff like that. I could tell my date was embarrassed. One girl was super high and couldn’t stand and had to be carried out.

    My date was really drunk and asked me the same questions like five times. I tried talking to her but she seemed out of it. No one else was talking to us and instead just talking about things like what happens when they orgasm and stuff like that. I don’t want to sound like a snob but it really wasn’t my scene and I didn’t stay too long.

  21. Met this girl at the bar. We talk on and off for like 2 months. I really didn’t want to go on this date cuz I honestly wasn’t feeling it whatsoever. I go cuz fuck it I’m not doing anything tonight. Pick her up. Get sushi, good food and good conversation. Go to a speak easy. Then she starts hitting me with the this is a white person bar lmao I’m Mexican too . Says her friend wants to suddenly go out . She all telling me the details in front of my face . I’m jsut like okay I thought we were on this date you really want to leave right now. I really considered leaving her there but lmao I’m not that mean. Literally drop her off near the club then I go home and wonder why I ever did this lmao . Ghosted her after that. That was like the only ever time I got upset at someone and made it clear . In hindsight pretty funny tho

  22. When I was in high school, I was on the debate team. There was a girl on the team who I had a huge crush on, I’m going to call her Emma for the purposes of this story. Emma was a super popular girl who knew everyone and was usually surrounded by at least a dozen other people wherever she went. One weekend, our team traveled to another city for a debate tournament. The night we arrived at the hotel, I got my chance to talk to Emma in a rare moment that she wasn’t surrounded. I decided to shoot my shot and ask Emma if she wanted to go to dinner with me that night, and to my pleasant surprise, she said yes! A couple hours passed between our arrival at the hotel and our planned date, I picked out a local Korean BBQ place I found on my phone and spent an hour getting ready in my nicest suit, combing and gelling my hair perfectly, even putting on cologne for the first time. It was also technically my “first date” that I’ve ever had with a girl in a romantic context, and I wanted to make it a special one. Eventually, the time for our date arrived. Emma met me in the hotel lobby in a beautiful green dress, I was quite nervous but had mustered up enough bravado to seem confident and masculine for our date. She seemed very enthusiastic to see me, our first conversation in the lobby went well, and for a moment it seemed like my dream of a romantic evening with her was coming true.

    We started walking to the restaurant, and continued to talk as we made our way downtown. We were having a great conversation as we walked, she was very talkative and seemed enthusiastic to be on this date with me! Suddenly, a car pulled up next to us and honked. I recognized the driver and one of the passengers as other members of our debate team, and there were 2 other passengers in the car who I didn’t recognize. The driver called out to her, telling her that there was a party going on nearby and she was invited. Emma turned to me and asked if I wanted to come with her to the party; I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be getting our one on one date, but agreed to go with her. However, the driver (again, someone who I knew on the debate team) stopped me from entering, telling me that the party was “invitation only” and only Emma was on “the list.” I looked at Emma dejectedly, and she told me “sorry, I’ll catch up with you later!” before the car drove off, leaving me stranded in the middle of an unfamiliar city at night.

    Needless to say, when I made my way back to my hotel room, I was not happy. To make things worse, my friend’s Snapchat story that evening was a photo of him grinding on Emma at the party. I was so heartbroken and betrayed, I ended up not participating in the tournament and spent the entire weekend crying in the hotel room. It was honestly the lowest I’ve ever felt in my life, and after we got back I dropped out of the debate team.

  23. This one time I was leaving the city so I quickly set up a date for when I was coming back without a lot of the preemptive talk about who they are etc, I guess I was tired of having done that hundreds of times so thought it would be fine to skip.

    She came to my house like 50+ pounds over what she last represented on her profile, I was confused at first if it was the same person the look there was so tailored to hide it/show the best. Like borderline catfishing even though she was technically the same person. I didn’t notice till I had already let her in but she smelled like bo/shit covered in perfume. She repeatedly said she wanted to bite me during the date. I was hella uncomfortable and had just initially hesitated to just drop the whole thing because she had ubered there and I thought it would be rude to not at least give some time.

    So after a very weird creepy chat I just pulled a “welp, I have to be awake to work in a couple of hours, sooo, what address can I call your return uber to?”, couldn’t wait to get her out my door. She was clearly wanting to fuck and I had negative desire for that, didn’t get near her at the door because of the smell and weird vibe and she was noticeably upset that I wasn’t even getting near her so she could go for a kiss.

    On top of all that, pretty sure that most uncomfortable date of my life gave me covid lol.

  24. I agreed to dinner drinks and dancing with a guy. He picked me up, took me out for dinner. It was lovely and tasty, but he wasn’t all that interested in talking with me towards the end. He said “go outside and start the car, I’ve got the tab.” So I did. He comes out 5 minutes later and hops in. We drive for a little and it’s clear he didn’t think the date all the way through- he doesn’t have a location for drinks yet so he decides to drive us to his uncle’s house, says they shouldn’t be home as they’re on vacation, but surprise surprise, someone is home. I suspected it wasn’t an uncle at all and he was preparing for a romantic B&E. I suggest he take me back to town to a local dive with pool tables, he agrees. Finally, 15 minutes into my drink and the date is getting marginally better, two cops come in. They take him out and after a few minutes inform me he had done a dine and dash. I’m livid, I’m a waiter and you just don’t do that. I ask for them to take me to the restaurant, I fork over the $200 plus a ton of grat, and the older bartender tells me to get a real man. I hand over my dates unlocked phone and car keys to the cops and spend 10 minutes convincing them to drive me home. My mom watches me pull up in a cop car and get let out from the backseat. That was probably the worst date I’ve ever had.

  25. Not too long after HS, I went out with some guys and took along a girl I met through some others. Started the night hanging with me, ended the night leaving with my friend. Was pretty sea salty about that for a while.

  26. Girl seemed ok but had no real hobbies and started talking about the time a coworker grabbed her ass when she worked at a bar and how traumatizing it was because we were at a bar.

  27. This one was on me. It wasn’t a horrible date, she was lovely but probably talks about what an idiot I am.

    I met with this girl at a restaurant an hour away from my house. It was halfway between her house and mine. I work in this town occasionally and asked my co-workers where the best food in town was. I did not tell them this was a date.

    They replied “The Depot.”

    “Cool!” I thought, I was excited that I got the inside scoop from the locals in the best food in town!

    She drives an hour outside of the cities to this little 8,000 person dump of a town. We meet at “The Depot” and it turns out it’s a train themed restaurant. Fuck.

    It was kinda cool, but the kids birthday party going on behind us really took away the date vibe. I decided I might as well get into it and blew a train whistle a few times. I don’t think that helped but I thought it was awesome.

    We later went to a brewery, but there was not a second date.

    At least the food was actually really good?

    Lucky me though, my current girlfriend would be all about a train themed restaurant. I kinda wanna take her there and show her the cool whistle.

  28. The only date I went on was pretty terrible. He swiped up on a picture I posted on my story and complimented me. After that we talked for like a week and some change. Next think you know he asked me on a date. I was excited bc I had never been on a date before. And this is where the red flags come in and I should’ve known better.
    1. He wanted me to plan the date and he told me he would pay for it. I didn’t have an issue but I lowkey was disappointed bc he asked me out so I felt like he should’ve planned it.
    2. We go out to the restaurant. And I ended up having to pay for the meal bc his card did not work.
    3. We went on a walk and he started talking about his ex and how wrong she did him.
    4. The silence got so awkward, I asked him what else did he want to talk about and he told me to let the conversation flow naturally.
    I get chills up my spine every time I think about it but I learned my lesson.

  29. This may sound shallow but I matched with this guy on tinder and we were talking for weeks! Had the best convos, he looked really nice in his photos but when we were snap chatting he’d only send photos of his forehead or side of his face (it didn’t seem like too much of a red flag at the time, because I do that too sometimes) anyways, when we met for the first time I planned on staying at his because he lived 2 hours away, I saw him in person and he was at least 100kg heavier than his photos and I just felt immediately catfished and lost all feelings. I tried to stick it out for a few hours but couldn’t get past it so ultimately faked my dad being sick and gtfo, this was 3 years ago and I still feel bad about it to this day😂

  30. My first and last blind date, he remembered to bring his mother but forgot to bring his wallet. After I paid for all 3, he asked me to lend him some cash. Had the gaul to ask for a second date because his mother liked me.

  31. Matched with a girl on Bumble. We had an insane connection on there, and then through texting. A few days later, we decide to go on a date. She ended up having a VERY strong speech impediment, so much so that I found it difficult to understand a lot of what she said. Then she spent most of the date telling me how dumb it was that I do stuff like watch movies or go to concerts. Then she would go on and on about how this guy she knows has been trying to go out with her for years, but she never wanted to, and that she might finally give him a chance. I wholeheartedly agreed lol.

  32. The guy told me on the date that he was just trying to his bedroom numbers up because he started late in the game. I was just letting him talk and laughed my ass off. Total turn off!

  33. Since OP didnt share an actual date story, I will also share a similar story:

    I matched with a girl on Bumble. She was an expat from Latin-America in my town.

    We wrote pretty smooth but she all of a sudden demanded a pic of my hair and eyes, which I provided.

    I have long blond hair (going into brownish tone when not exposed to a lot of sun) and blue-green eyes, typical northern european.

    She then asked if I get a tan even. I said yeah. She didnt believe me. She further enlightened me that I am a ginger and she has stereotypes against gingers because you cant take them to the jungle and they only last 20min at the beach 🙃.

  34. Two come to mind

    1. I went to get dinner with this guy. He tells me his mom gave him a caramel apple and that we could share it. He proceeds to tell me, “I already took a bite out of it”. Ooookay then….I ended up telling him I was too full after we ate. The entire time, I could barely get this guy to engage in conversation with me. Usually I’m good at getting conversations going, but not with this guy. At one point, he was just watching the tv in the restaurant. I didn’t go on another date with him

    2. I went to get dinner with this guy as well. He was nice, but he kept talking about himself, hardly asking me anything about myself or giving me the chance to chime in. At one point when I sort of had the chance to contribute to conversation, I asked what he was looking for in a relationship. He wanted long term, and proceeded to tell me that if he ever got married, he’d want it to be a courthouse wedding. He gave off “my way or the highway” vibes

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