35 (M) 31 (F) After a period of dating for couple of year, we decided to take a break. We were actually the greatest of friends, and we would still go out for drinks, activities, and just chat all of the time.

I recently learned that she had been talking to or seeing someone else for a few months, but I had been repeatedly told that there was nothing going on. I feel that she would’ve still lied to me if the other party didn’t change the Facebook status to in a relationship. Per her this was hidden from me to protect my feelings….I feel this was her being selfish, I have always said we can be open and honest with each other cause we have been very open about a lot of things, but to be lied to is the part I can’t get over for some reason. I am not even angry with her dating someone else, I am just hurt and confused on why she felt the need to lie to me.

Just curious as to what you guys would do.

She is asking to be friends and still grab drinks and such, but I believe that the bond was shattered because she lied, and I honestly would prefer not to be friends and just move on.

Tldr: was being lied to for several months, and I am not sure I want to resume the friendship.

  1. It sounds like you are taking it much more personal due to your past with them. If you had only ever been friends do you think it would hurt you as much?

  2. You already know why she decided to lie to you, because she still wanted to be friends and she felt that you would be hurt.

    She was right.

    It sounds like you aren’t able to be friends with her right now. Take a break so that your heart can heal.

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