Can anyone tell me what the quality of clothes is like from George (Asda)?

Next is lovely but now too pricey, and I found Primark stuff didn’t survive a few washes.

  1. Don’t know about the kids clothes but I got £6 trousers from Asda (& tesco) for work about 5 years ago & they are still going.

  2. Perfectly good enough. The age my kids are they grow out of them long before the clothes wear out.

  3. Not sure about kids, but I’ve got various George bits hanging around that have lasted really well. I wear one of their vest tops under my main clothes most days (I have about 8), and have 4 pairs of their jeggings that have survived regular wear (and still going) for about 3 years.

  4. Out of the big 3 supermarkets I would say Sainsburys are the best, followed by Asda & then Tesco.

  5. Good! All our kids clothes have held up well, it’s just finding the bloody things in our asda that’s the problem. They keep moving them round and never have as many boy clothes!

  6. My go too for madams clothes. Last better than primark and good prices still, often offers on to stock up on basics

  7. Okay, not as good as other supermarkets and in my experience come up small (so lasts less time)

    Sainsburys are hands down the best for kids clothes

    Tescos are okay, Morrisons socks are great. I stay away from George generally just because of small sizing (we cloth nappy so need extra space) but the stuff we have had I’d say is the same wash and wear wise as Tescos

  8. George is pretty good I find, I get quite a bit of stuff from their Mens ranges.

    I bought a basic plain Primark tshirt and basic plain George tshirt around the same time, to use as PJs. Primark tshirt was very bobbly and worn looking after a few washes, George tshirt is still going strong nearly 100 washes later.

  9. We’ve had George stuff passed down to my eldest, three of mine wear it in turn, and it’s still fit to be passed on again.

    The school uniform is solid if basic.

    Definitely better than Primark (though that also has its place). Tu at Sainsburys has been good as well.

  10. Not had any issue, but we’ve not any significant issue with Primark clothes either.

  11. I know it’s not Asda but honestly impressed with some of the clothes from Sainsburies, I got a real cotton jumper for £8 and it’s great quality!

  12. I worked in George for years – saw few complaints on quality. never bought much of their stuff myself but the things I did (work trousers, cheap t-shirts, etc.) held up well.

  13. Not kids clothes – but all my bras are from Asda. They’re really cheap, and fit me perfectly. Great!

  14. We get loads of stuff from George, and the kids have always grown out of them long, long before they’re worn out.

    I also got some trousers and a coat for myself that I grew out of before they wore out too, but in my case, I was only growing horizontally.

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