Last night after about 2 hours of holding my foreskin in a certain place waiting for it to stretch out before pulling it down and doing it all over again, I was finally able to pull down my foreskin over my penis head. I have been trying to do this for the better part of a year now, and I am finally successful. With this I have a few questions that I have tried to Google yet have gotten no result. I feel like I should note that I am 13.

Firstly, before I was able to pull down my foreskin, I could not touch my penis head. If I touched the head, even slightly, I’d feel an immense sore pain. Of course I could let a very light amount of liquid touch it, however if it was too much I’d hurt myself. My penis head was gray, with the urethra tip have a strange red color, however when I pulled it down the head turned into a delightful shade of a light pinkish color, the urethra also lost its distinctive color and is now that same as the rest of the head. I have not touched it yet, as I am worried that I will just hurt myself again, does this color change mean that I can touch it or do I have something to tell my doctor about.

While most the head has changed color and is therefore relatively easy to pull down (sometimes I have to stretch the foreskin out a bit, but it’s not too much of a problem), the bottom part has a strange reddish-purplish color and is very uncomfortable to pull down from, having a similar sore pain that I mentioned above. I wonder if maybe just holding that part out for an extended period of time may fix that, but I am unsure. This pain also makes it practically impossible to pull down the foreskin while my penis is erect, and if my penis gets erect when it’s pulled down it hurts.

I am unsure if I should ask this question here, if there is a better place to ask please let me know.

  1. Talk to your GP about this but expect to deal with issues unless you are actively working on pulling back the foreskin each and every time you urinate and shower. Further, stay vigilant on keeping things clean as that will keep any complications away.

  2. I don’t think much is wrong, just unused. From what you are describing, it sounds completely normal, maybe just a little late. When I had my son, I would do this when bathing him and once he was old enough to do it himself, he took over.

    It will be very sore to start, but will get less sensitive to touch over time, but that will never completely go away.

    Make sure to start doing that in the shower and just letting water run over it for a few weeks before you start washing it directly.
    If you are really concerned, definitely speak with a doctor.

  3. Everything seems normal to me. The head of the penis is supposed to be wet and that means wet as in precum or vaginal secretions that are a lot slimier than just water. Arousal plus lubrication removes the pain.

    The colours you described are also normal, although it might depend on how grey the head actually is.

    If you are still unsure you can always go to a doctor.

  4. Your glans have been covered for 13 years so that is all sensitive. Best not to touch it directly. Just rinse it daily with body temperature water. After a shower, sort of air expose it for a little bit (30-60 seconds) before covering it up and putting on clothes. Use the skin is the only think that is comfortable to touch for now. Eventually it will be a pleasant feeling but that might be a while after exposing it. The colors sound about right. I can’t explain why most white guy have pink, red, grey-blue, and purplish color but they do. The head changes color at times but it doesn’t make it okay to touch. Keep stretching it but for your age, nothing sounds out of the ordinary.

  5. The pain will slowly go away the more the head of your dick gets used to being “exposed”. Be patient and you”ll get there.

  6. These things all sound normal as this is the first time you’ve opened it. Many of remember opening it for the first time being an…odd experience

    The excessive sensitivity goes away, but you’ll just have to grit your teeth and get it used to being directly touched. Leaving it exposed for a while to the air helps also, like before you get dressed after a shower. Avoid getting soap in it…that can dry and irritate it. Just use water…especially at first.

    How flexible is the end opening? Be careful, it may not be stretchy enough to accommodate the swelling of an erection yet! This routine is commonly recommended to increase it’s elasticity:

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