Do you feel she loves you unconditionally? Do you love her? Is there a way you wish the relationship was instead of how it is?

  1. My dad got remarried when I was well into adulthood. My stepmom and I get along, we are not super close (nor am I with my dad). She can be a bit much (calling us all her kids etc), but she means no harm and is doing her best to show that she loves and accepts all of us. I think it’s fine the way it is, no real problems.

  2. I met the first one once, many years later. Probably after she and my father were already divorced. She didn’t know who I was, and I wasn’t about to tell her.

    It wasn’t the first time I’d been around her, though. I didn’t know it until afterward, but she followed us on several family trips in the last couple of years my parents were married because she was impatient for the marriage to end. Apparently he’d been stringing both of them along.

  3. It’s fine. She never tried to be my mom, but she’s not like a friend. She’s more like an aunt or a cousin that’s older and has more life behind them. Just another family member, basically.

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