Women of Reddit, have you ever been unexpectedly pregnant? What did you do?

  1. I have gotten pregnant on birth control and actively trying for a baby.

    Both times I was unexpectedly pregnant. 😂 So I have two kids.

    The second one was the purposeful kid and I still have whip lash from that little shocker. We got him on a first attempt and he’s a baster baby. Then he came a little early in a very short period of time.

    What did I do? I had the kids. Now I’m blindly trying to make them functional in this crazy world but I’ve noticed they’re an input output system. You put in love and and it seem to reward me with good kids.

    In saying that, I considered abortion for both and for me that option got ditched pretty quickly. Honestly, even with the planned kid. We thought that would truly take longer and he was the trial run. “Let’s just see if the process works and how complicated it is for when we properly try try” yeah…. Yeah…. Look…. The system works.

    I think it’s normal to think about options no matter what. I think it’s normal and healthy.

    What you choose to do is only your choice and it can be made with circumstances, future plans, love, excitement… whatever that is. There’s no answer from a stranger. That choice is for you. I wish you all the best and I hope that whatever happens next for you it brings happiness!

  2. I miscarried. My period was “six weeks late.”

    Took me years to tell anybody.

    I am sending good thoughts to you and hope that you have some calm and clarity about what you want to do. I didn’t get a choice but I would have liked to have one. I hope you’re in a place where you have options and choices 💜

  3. Yes. I had the baby and now have an almost four year old. I heavily weighed my options, but I can’t even begin to imagine my life without her now.

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