At what point does someone go from an acquaintance to a friend for you?

  1. Honestly idk. But if we’re nice to each other and have a minimum of one common interest then you’re my friend now, let’s go get soft tacos later.

  2. It’s all on their end, you cannot really force a friendship if it’s not mutual. It sort of comes down to how much time you both are comfortable with spending together. Along with the level of interaction I guess.

  3. They don’t.

    In your life, you’ll be lucky to have enough “true friends” to count on one hand…these are those that will be there for you at a moment’s notice, no matter the reason/distance/circumstance. They’re *there for you*

    Acquaintances while they can be & do these things, they differ in that they are *only* in your life for a specified period of time-as your lives cross paths, and once they’re out of your life, you don’t interact again.

    I will say this concept blew my mind as it was explained this way to me by a coworker who I “thought” I was friends with (both her and her husband) as we socialized a lot, hung out at each other’s homes and I remember saying one day “I’m really glad we met…you guys are great friends”. She looked at me with these sad, yet piercing eyes and said “oh honey…we’re not or ever going to be friends, we’re acquaintances”.

    Again, I was floored by the statement, but she nailed it on the head, and once it had been explained to me, I saw it happening all the time, people coming and going-interacting while in my life, but once gone…they were just that, gone-a memory

    Me personally, I have probably 3 true friends and it’s sad to admit it, I myself am *not* a true friend to those who are *my* true friends

  4. I’ll say it’s the other way around. After a certain age, or point in life, friends go back to being acquaintances. And anyone met after the age of 25, will just remain acquaintances, as no one has time to form friendships. You might call them friends, but they’re secretly acquaintances hidden in a friendly trenchcoat.

    I consider my wife my friend, otherwise everyone has been demoted to acquaintances, or we’ve completely drifted apart.

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