Im 20 years old and dont have any motivation at all.

  1. Motivation doesn’t get you anywhere, discipline does. If you want to do something just do it, or it will never be done

  2. I was in a similar state at 19. Not really sure WTF to do with my life, with no real motivation.

    I joined the military (Marines) and it basically gave me 4 years to figure life out, what I want to do and some life skills.

  3. I just took loads of drugs and had fun until I fell into something. I didn’t feel motivated until my 30s, but that doesn’t mean my life was without meaning up until then.

  4. Motivation it’s a mith. For me it’s the curiosity that pushes one day after the other. I see life as a book, it has engaging bits, boring ones, but i’ve started it and i want to see how it ends. So i endure the parts i don’t like, purely on curiosity

  5. i’m going to give you an answer that’s tough, but hopefully fair.

    first of all, your motivation shouldn’t be to just live, it should be fulfilled. if you feel as though that’s an unattainable goal, i would highly recommend talking to a mental health professional. in fact, i would say talk to one anyways. it’s the driver for a lot of goals for me.

    second, you’re going to have some sucky stuff that you have to suffer through until you die. work very likely will be one of those unless you’re fortunate enough to either be interested in what you’re doing or to do something you’re interested in. at the end of the day you should work to find a job that interests you enough and pays you enough, as the likely hood of having a hobby be a job (ex. professional gamer or musician or whatever) is relatively low. here’s the important thing though: your job is just the thing you do while you build your life. see point three for more.

    third, you’re going to have to make decisions to invest in yourself and what you want to do so that your hobbies can give you a fulfilling life. i work a generic corporate job, and it’s fine, but the pay allows me to afford my hobbies. maybe someday i’ll make my hobbies a career, who knows.

    fourth, and this is big, BUILD A COMMUNITY THAT CHALLENGES YOU. you’re probably meeting new people through work or school, don’t just spend your time with people who are content. that won’t give you the motivation to do much. you’re going to find a lot more joy in building something with people than building it alone.

    fifth, find what makes you happy. you might want a partner or you might not, you might want a nice house or you might want to be homeless. just build towards what you want.

    at the end of the day people find motivation through a thousand different things. religion, work, community, hobbies, etc. start by finding your likes and dislikes and build from there where feels comfortable.

    lastly, take everything that the internet says with a grain of salt (this included) and talk to mental health professionals if you feel your unable to get excited about building something. if you need someone to talk to outside of that, feel free to message me.

  6. Are you literally motivated to do nothing? Most young men want to get laid. That requires money and social skills. That’s a goal. If you literally have no motivation stop smoking pot, stop masturbating, stop playing video games, stop watching TV, get off the internet. All these are like snacking on junk food. You’ll never be hungry for more but you’ll never be satisfied. Once you stop these things your hunger should return. If you’re still not motivated, do things even though you don’t feel like it.

  7. Usually it comes from deciding on a goal, becoming aware of the fact that in pursuing it you eliminate a lot of other possible alternatives and accepting that. While you now pursue one of the options, the goal will gradually adjust, but you still gain experience and skills along the way so you can possibly progress fast to the new adjusted goal. And depending on how what that goal was, you now have mastered one thing, you can sit down and pursue something new while doing the thing you mastered on the side.

  8. You are asking reddit men… for motivation. Drink more, watch more porn, eat sonic burgers.

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