I was thinking that maybe the best way to learn how to socialize is by socializing! I struggle with confidense and maintaining a combo so I would love to be able to work on it just the same as if you struggled with say juggling, you would practice. I’m 18 M, but down to go on a disc call to practice with anyone.

Disc username: someguyidk#6360

Yeah we should prob set up a disc and have everyone try to improve while building up a supportive community base. Ty all for responding! Much love.

Edit 2:
Add me, I made a disc server, there is no one in it currently but feel free to come hang out! Chatting in text or voice should be a low risk environment for everyone to grow, so feel free to just converse and give and receive feedback 😛

  1. I’m 18 too if you’re interested! My English’s a tiny bit rusty so it’d be a cool opportunity to practice it.

  2. Im 28 m , have social anxiety whole life, my english is alright and im interested too

  3. I’m 32m, yeah a disc call sounds good. I don’t know what we’ll talk about but that’s the fun part 😉😛

  4. I want to practice, with anyone, everyone tell me I’m a bad chatter. And by telling me I mean they stop answering me 🙁

  5. Honestly it feels like there should be a weekly pinned post for people just chatting, setting up Discord calls, things like that. Might need to message a mod with the idea, best way to practice social skills is actually doing it after all and that would give a great way for folks to try something very low-stakes.

  6. I think this would be incredibly beneficial, 20-25 year old male here, I’m down too!

  7. The server sounds fun. I’m an extrovert so if anything I can help keep the conversations going

  8. I recently joined a youtuber Hamza discord server and it has many voice chats you can talk to anyone and improve your social skills and all are there for self improve it helped me a lot so i recommend it to you too

  9. I work in a heavily customer facing environment and need to get better at speaking to people and managing my anxiety while doing so. I’d love to join in!

  10. Y’all this is so wholesome, love to see the support 🥲 back in my day I just practiced convos and comebacks with myself in the shower, but no real
    Talk.having had those issues myself a super helpful tip I always focus on is asking the other person about themselves because it makes a lot of people get relaxed and if you feel unsure what to say then it makes them feel like they had a great experience even if you’re crying inside from anxiety

  11. This sounds exciting and also terrifying… but I would definitely be down to talk to you or anyone here just to improve our social skills and get to know each other 😀

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