I’ve addressed it to him, he acknowledges it. But nothing changes. I (late 20’s female) have been with my partner for over 5 years and have one young child around the age of 2. He works a lot, I’m home a lot. We have sex once a week. I never cum. The sex isn’t bad but he doesn’t pay much attention to my needs. He also doesn’t dominate me in the way i want him to (I’ve addressed, nothing crazy i just wanna be bent over sometimes?) Seems like he just wants a nut, like it’s a chore, and that’s fine for some couples, but not I. I am in the best physical shape I’ve ever been in, hips are wider and I lost the baby weight which I’m proud of myself for. I get LOTS of attention from strangers, not necessarily creepy, and tbh it’s nice to hear. I feel like a “hot” mom which makes me happy, because my confidence being good makes my mood good. This sex isn’t as often as I’d like, nor is it “fun”. And we’ve talked, it just doesn’t change. I want to be dominated and he isn’t doing that. Ok fine, I’ll dominate him. Nope he wants missionary….
I want a man to crave my body. To literally tell me what to do, you know? It’s driving me nuts and I can only shut up and deal with him depriving me of what I’ve expressed we need in our for so long.

  1. I’ve seen this situation a lot and I’m sorry you’re going through it, but have you tried proposing a vacation away from the kids? Unsure if that’s financially feasible, but my friend that had this issue told me that he was just so tired from work he just didn’t have the energy to keep up, so after a weeklong cruise where he spent all his energy on her, she realized that she didn’t need a divorce, just a vacation every couple months or so. Not saying that will work for you, but is your S/O just being overworked?

  2. I’m in the opposite boat.If I suggest bending my woman over and taking her she laughs but never takes it further.I recently joked about buying a Kamasutra to try different positions, same lame response.I feel your pain and frustration.

  3. I am in similar situation but reverse – I buy my wife lingerie, sex toys and tell her my fantasies and being dominate etc and she reacts like your husband. Quite demoralizing- I feel for you

  4. Same boat, other way around. I’ve tried for nearly a decade and she says she will, but never does.

    Get used to it or move on.

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