What is your opinion on the following question – do you want to work high powered 60hrs + per week jobs, or is it that you just don’t want to live in a society that makes it difficult for you to do so?

  1. I think that’s a very loaded question and it sounds like any answer a woman could give in response would be deemed wrong by the kind of person who would ask that.

  2. I want a 4 day work week and a good work life balance. No interest in the amount of stress 60 hours a week would be. Can barely keep up with life stuff on 40.

  3. I don’t want to work 60h+ a week and I also don’t want to live in a society where people are expected to work 60h+ a week. In fact that is illegal where I live.

  4. If you need to work 60hrs or more per week, you’re clearly doing something wrong.
    Could be management issues, work efficiency or simply a lack of ressources to do the job correctly / on time.

    If society, here, means the company offering this kind of uncanny position, then obviously, anyone able to reason more than 2 seconds would deny such work conditions.

  5. The question reeks of a pre-emptive conclusion of the answers.

    As for the answer to the question;
    I want to work in a job that I like and not be hindered by expectations or circumstances that prevent me from doing so. I don’t want to work 60+ hour weeks (and honestly don’t get why anyone regardless of gender would), but I don’t want to live in a society that makes it difficult for the people who want to work in those careers, regardless of gender.

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