My girls (29F) personality is wild lol. She loves joking around A LOT but she does have the habit of getting emotional over the smallest things. She also keeps a lot from me (21M) when I ask about her past even tho I’ve answered all of her questions about my past.

So earlier today my girl sent me a screenshot of a “note” from one of her friends on IG and I saw that she texted back a guy she had a mad crush on months ago in the background. (I’ve let her know I don’t like her texting him all the time because this guy met her on the internet and he has his own girl who he’s cheated on). Later we called on the phone and she keeps throwing little joking shots like “if you don’t like it you don’t need to be with me” or “I only love you a little bit” I don’t have a problem with those jokes as long as she’s playing, but then she tells me that everything I’ve told her about me loving her is bullshit which I jokingly replied with “at least I stop talking to women I had crushes on” she then flips out and says that I don’t trust her and I’m calling her a piece of shit so I tell her that’s she’s being childish for saying all the things she said as a joke but getting mad when I said what I said, after that she just starts crying and says “I need to go to sleep” we then say we love each other and she hangs up.

TLDR my girl keeps throwing little shots at me but when I finally throw one back she gets emotional and starts crying not giving us a resolution.

  1. Lots of red flags going on. I don’t necessarily feel like she’s being that playful with you. I feel like she sees you as a partner she can take advantage of, and is doing so. And her overreaction to your comment about stopping talking to women you have crushes on shows that you hit a nerve and she knows what she’s doing. These things coupled with the substantial age gap make me think that this is probably not a healthy relationship to be in.

  2. You call her a “girl” but she’s an almost 30-year-old woman, and she clearly knows what she’s doing and is mocking you with those promises and “jokes”.

  3. Break up with the weirdo 8 years your senior and date girls your own age. It’s completely inappropriate for her to be dating a 21 year old young man.

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