don’t know what to do anymore I (female25) have more problems with my asthma during sexy time than any other time, nothing I do seems to work, trying different positions, taking my inhaler before and during, lately we’ve settled on carefully proceeding with activities while I use my nebulizer, it seems to work the best but obviously isn’t ideal. Has anyone ever dealt with this? I’m mostly venting but would love to hear if anyone has any advice or comments.

  1. When you say you have more problems with it during sex than any other time – its hard to know what that means since we don’t know your activity level (during or outside of sex). Most people have things that trigger their asthma and physical exertion can be one of them. But is sex the ONLY exertion that causes it? Are you able to do cardio without the same thing happening yet during sex it does?

    In any event you need to speak to your doctor. You may need a different or additional inhaler.

  2. As a fellow asthmatic that has had to stop part way to take my Ventalin a time or two… working on that cardio is like the only way. Getting out there and running / biking / rowing / whatever gets your cardiovascular system working. Building those muscles will keep off asthma attacks and help you go longer before needing your inhalers. Heck, with enough effort you might even be able to get off any daily inhalers you might have.

  3. I have severe asthma and told my doctor I was using my inhaler multiple times a day. He gave me a once a day steroid inhaler that very quickly managed my asthma. I don’t need my normal inhaler at all anymore (barring severe allergic reactions which trigger asthma for me).

    Might be worth it to talk to your doctor. There are other ways to manage it.

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