What’s most important to men?

  1. Just like with women, their core life values. They can range from having a loving, warm family life to economic success, and from serving a community to staying healthy and fit.

  2. To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women

  3. Being stable enough to not be kept up all night with the harrowing realisation that everything is fucked.
    If I’m sleeping soundly everything else can’t be that bad.

  4. Well it depends person to person, for example to me the most important thing is my apartment’s key which I misplaced and standing out in cold like and idiot waiting for my roommate to arrive.

  5. Just like any other person it depends on who they are. The sad truth is it often depends on that’s person’s insecurities or traumas. Felt unloved, needs to be loved by everyone. Felt like they were never enough, the need to feel important and successful. Ect

  6. Babe, I’m a woman, but here’s advice. Don’t think about what’s important to men because it’s a board answer, try and focus on what’s important to HIM if you get what I’m saying.

  7. Purpose. Either created in our own pursuits, or bestowed upon us by circumstance. Either bring meaning to the chaos.

  8. Stability. For my kids to not fall under the spell of people who aren’t good for them nor the messages they saturate our society with. My kids happiness and health.

  9. Hmm, as individuals? As has already been said the answer is too broad to really answer. Each man you meet might have a different answer, and even when you find a man who repeats another answer, that doesn’t mean you’ve heard them all.

    That said, if you ask what is most important as individuals, you get different answers. But if you ask what is most important as a group, that would be interesting to find out. I assume it would be things that many men value, or struggles that are common. The second option makes this line of questioning close to what would a men’s activist group look like. What would be fought for if it wasn’t considered to have men’s activists similar to having feminist activists who speak out for their own sex.

    And unfortunately, even if that topic would be considered interesting, what men as a group find to be important and would organize to support, the bottom line is that too many people would think that line of thinking is sexist.

    At least for me a few of the most important things to me are the things I am weakest in. They just never really leave my mind alone. I would hope that this is not so common that this answer is shared by most others. Second to that are things I want want still struggle to get. And what should be first but instead is third (at least for me) are the thing I appreciate and both enjoy or want to share or to protect.

    Being the top three is still really important. But those are just me.

  10. To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

  11. Security. I don’t think that I am alone when I say that I think of various scenarios and what I’d do. Whether it be a house fire, robbery, aggressive encounter, we tend to plan for these events in advance so that in the moment we react, rather than think about it. This keeps us and our families safe.

  12. Honestly, I’d say Legacy.

    Can take any form: Family, Creative Works, Impact on Society. You think about concepts like “Standing on the shoulders of giants” and how popular the pursuit of money, power and status is, it all feeds into Legacy.

    Personally, I want to make art or write literature people will talk about for years to come. Whether I actually believe I’m capable or not is a whole other question.

  13. For me it would be about feeling like I belong and that people genuinely care about me. I’m a huge perfectionist so I rarely feel like I’m good enough.

    I believe this is pretty common among men. We have to be this and do that but then if we do that then we are this etc. It’s pretty fucking hard to find your place. That’s why some people follow people like Andrew Tate.

  14. Being able to take care of all your loved ones and becoming “the guy” in the family. When I retired my parents was probably the best day of my life. I can now also afford a good life to my grandparents who lived most of their life in communist Romania. When my fiance has a problem she comes to me and I’m also the cool uncle who gives the best presents. Just feels good and it’s actually something i didn’t even aim for when I started my company

  15. Freedom. Freedom to do the things I want to and how I want to. Freedom to improve myself, to learn, to explore, to express myself, to share what I have learnt. And of course freedom to accommodate constraints from my situation, my body, my health.

  16. For me, people leaving me alone.

    Knowing someone cares about me and asks how my day was. The little genuine conversations.

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