What don’t you fuck with?

  1. Elevators. I’ve come across enough of those stories/videos from China. As lazy as I am, stairs don’t seem too bad when a lift is around

  2. Bed bugs.

    Put your luggage in the bathroom and thoroughly check your hotel room before you get too comfy. When in doubt, dry everything that might be infested on high heat for at least 40 minutes (extra points if you wash them too). I’ve heard too many horror stories of people accidentally bringing them home.

  3. Steak that’s purposefully not cooked through. Raw steak just tastes terrible and the only reason it’s popular is because it became a sign of being tough and masculine to eat the gross steak. Y’all can miss me with that shit.

  4. Electricity. I’ll change a light bulb, and I am handy around most things electric, but if I have to wire it in? Nah.

    Plumbing. I do not fuck around with this at all.

  5. Black mothers. They will slap you back in time and force you to apologize to yourself for being an idiot

  6. Women hating other women for no reason in movies/ tv shows/ books/ etc. Sick of it.

  7. Allergies. I bought new boots at the same time I started a new medication. The boots left me with a circle around my ankles which I thought was an allergy to the cheap materials.

    I soon found out it was an allergic reaction to the new migraine medication my doctor gave me and I almost lost my liver

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