What’s something that you shouldn’t do/say to a depressed person?

  1. “There are people who have it worse”

    “You’ve got a roof over your head and food on the table, what do you have to be sad about?”

    “You’re too pessimistic”

    “Just start working out/order some good food/do something fun, that always helps me when I’m feeling down”

    “You think *you’re* depressed? I went through this and that and also this and I’m still keeping my head up, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to”

    “It’s all in your head”

  2. ´But you have nothing to be sad about.´
    ´There are worse things.´
    ´but you´re always laughing.´
    ´Just get over it.´

    Honestly I could go on and on about people just not understanding it and saying insensitive or sometimes just blatantly dumb shit.

  3. HaVe yOu tRiEd GoInG fOr a WaLk??

    Sure. Exercise absolutely has benefits. But if someone’s opening up to you about their struggles, they don’t need you to tell them to walk around the block. If someone can’t get out of bed, they don’t need you to tell them to go for a stroll. Just have some fucking empathy.

  4. “You’re not depressed, you’re just… sad.”

    My own grandmother said that to me when I told her that I was depressed.

  5. “Have you tried exercise?” Yes, Brenda, I work out every day and I’m still fucking depressed, so how about you STFU.

  6. “You’re just not getting enough sun/vitamins/exercise!”

    Yeah I am glad yoga and sunning your butthole worked for *you* but that is not universal

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