Was thinking about how I don’t really find a lot of potential dating partners. For me it is basically being demisexual, not being a fan of dogs and not drinking.

Would be curious to hear others 🙂

  1. I’m too picky. I don’t date women my age. My current ex reduced my confidence and self esteem and I’m old

  2. Not drinking, I have been sober for 6 years now. I definitely think there is a stigma about people who don’t drink. However, I am fine with it being limited, if people are that judgmental off the bat, then I don’t see myself ending up with that person long term.

  3. So also being basically demisexual as a straight man (men are apparently always supposed to want to have sex on the first date), living too close to Philly (and having 90% of people I see on apps living in Philly) and not being interested in Philly’s rampant hookup/ENM culture are probably my top two.

  4. Being 33 limits it automatically. Wanting someone I find attractive at that age limits it further. Wanting someone with minimal baggage, I don’t mind them having kids if the father either isn’t in the picture or the split was amicable. Wanting someone with morals and similar level of intellect as me (I’m not the smartest but I can hold a conversation). And location is probably the biggest one, I don’t want to be travelling the length of the country to date.

  5. Wanting kids. Wanting marriage. Not being violently opposed to religion. Not being a zealous religious fanatic. Yeah.

  6. Below average appearance, autism, lack of dating/intimate experience in my 30s (not that fact alone, more not knowing how to handle common situations)

    My dating pool looks like that Switchfoot album cover

  7. I’m vegan, I don’t drink, and I don’t want kids

    And I’m ok with the fact that that reduces my dating pool. I mean yeah it sucks but i’m also not going to date someone that wants kids; or that isn’t respectful of my veganism; or that drinks all the time

  8. Livin that COVID Zero lifestyle. Price I’m willing to pay, but I’m not going to pretend its free.

  9. Not being obsessed with animals

    I don’t mind them but genuinely baffled by how many people seemed to be obsessed with them. As in you’d go to a park and my date would be going ‘oh my god look at that dog’ at every dog. I get it with rare dogs, but sometimes it was just some depressed looking sausage dog. Got me wondering, did they do that with all their friends all the time, or were they trying to signal early ‘I am a dog lover!’ Genuinely did my head in and thought I was going to have to be single forever!

    Thankfully I’ve found someone great who isn’t arsed about animals either

  10. Not liking pets is definitely a hindrance to me. So much so I often ignore it. Wanting a family doesn’t seem to help. Not being very social or knowing how to communicate are probably my biggest limiting factors.

  11. Being a confident Black woman pursuing higher education in engineering. I’ve been told I’m “intimidating” and I’m honestly so chill soooo idk

  12. Living in California and finding a woman who subscribes to conservative ideals without being lashed to group think. Seems like the majority of conservative women in California, I have access to, are tied to a religious congregation.

    Outside of that, probably my size. Even being 6’2 isn’t attractive when you’re obese.

  13. I find promiscuity extremely unattractive. So I do not date women who slept around. It significantly reduced my dating pool but idc.

  14. I have a disability and chronic pain from a long ago back injury. So no hiking or super strenuous activity. Plus I’m underemployed as a result. Telling people I used to be a social worker but now I’m a pet sitter is rough.

    My dating pool is already small due to polyamory.
    I’m also still trying to avoid Covid, and I stopped drinking recently for health issues. I’m just a walking dealbreaker at this point lol.

    That said, I usually do pretty well. I’m near a very big city so it’s not too difficult to find someone I’m compatible with.

  15. Being asexual and sex averse shrinks my pool down to a puddle and most people (mostly dudes) in that puddle just didn’t read my profile closely enough.🤦‍♀️

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