How important is it for you to be a virtuous person? By virtue, I mean moral excellence, doing what’s best for everyone, not just yourself, minimizing harm done to everyone, treating people with equal respect and dignity, and anything along that theme.

  1. A thing to have in mind, and that i try in a few things, but usually not that important, as i’m aware of how weak we humans are in that front.

  2. It’s the main thing I look for in other people.

    I don’t want to be friends with people who don’t have any virtues.

  3. Near absolutely. But I also understand that a significant part of why I strive to be a morally excellent person is because I cannot realistically strive to be excellent in other ways.

    If I could choose to be a good person or a happy person then I would choose to be happy.

  4. Most people don’t even understand let alone practice core virtues like humility, diligence, integrity, honesty, courage, and more.

    It matters to me because they are things I try to live by; but to the average person- who only knows how to “virtue signal”, it really doesn’t matter to them.

  5. Virtuous is a bit out of my wheelhouse. Excellence, moral or otherwise, might as well be on a different planet than I.

    At this point in my life, there are things I want that I’m not going to get by being a completely “straight arrow”. A lot of my thoughts and some of my actions/activities would not fall into the category of so called “community values”.

    In day to day activities with strangers I try to be neutral to above neutral in my interactions. Most days I’m going to hold the door open for the next person, mention when someone dropped something, not intentionally say something I think might offend someone. Little things.

  6. Not that much and i try to keep it close to my heart without wanting external validation for it.

  7. Extremely. It’s what I look for in others, and it is what I am hardest on myself on when I fall short – because I am flawed and human, but I still aspire to be better than myself. This propels me forward in life.

    I should add that my sense of virtue doesn’t from the Nicomachean Ethics, it comes from myself and I take refining and improving that sense seriously.

  8. I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don’t want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.

  9. It’s very important to me but I don’t think it’s because I’m a saint or anything like that.

    The main reason I try to be good is because of guilt. I am a very guilty person, guilt tears away at me everyday even for things that ain’t really affected anybody else, doing actually bad shit would tear me apart! Guilt is a strong motivator for good, I know that if I fail to do the right thing the guilt will 100% fuck me hard afterwards.

  10. I miss being a virtuous person. Now im a resentful man full of regret and sorrow. I pray for old age to take me sooner rather than later.

  11. The problem is that I think many people will consider themselves to be virtuous, but not many of them will agree as to what that behavior might look like.

    Not everyone will agree on what is best for everyone or as to what is morally correct.

    For example, a Vegan and an evangelical Christian may have very different ideas on what is best for everyone.

  12. It’s important for me to be.

    I generally like my friends to be//try to be good people, but also know that there are practical limits for everyone on what they want/need, and accept that.

  13. Not that important but nice to have, I am a very virtues person I can’t do a selfish act even if I want to

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