If your new partner slept with someone just before you got together, how concerned would you be?

  1. Well you weren’t together so not very much. Anything they’ve done before you met doesn’t matter.

  2. I’m concerned that your asking about something you partner did BEFORE you was together. What they’ve done before that shouldn’t matter AT ALL

  3. Not concerned. I’ve never expected girlfriends to have undergone a period of chastity before dating me.

  4. Not concerned, but it would mean that we’re incompatible then and I would move on.

  5. Doesn’t matter. It was before we got together. The clock doesn’t start ticking until the moment you agree to be bf/gf or whatever.

  6. Not concerned, they wouldn’t have made it to partner status honestly.

    I’d wish them well and move on to inspect someone else.

  7. All I know is I’m gonna wait a month before I stick my dick in. Just have to make sure nothing weird starts growing or she pregnant and I get blamed for it.

  8. Depends on how recently “just before” is, and on what kind of relationship it was. I’d be hesitant to start a new relationship with someone who just left a serious relationship, but not so much to start something with a partner who’d recently had a one night stand.

  9. Define “before you got together”

    If you mean that you’ve been on a few dates, things have gone well and you just haven’t ‘defined the relationship’? I would have my questions – but I would ask them, and if I was satisfied with the answers I would leave it be.

    If you mean before you even met and you quickly became ‘an item’ – it wouldn’t worry me at all.

  10. I was sleeping with someone just before I met her and so was she. What’s the big deal?

  11. Are you afraid the guy she met just before you gave her a good fuck and you can’t compare, eh?

  12. Zero concerned if course.

    You would have to take the art of being a possessive, jealous weirdo into truly *mind bendingly ridiculous levels* to feel “concerned” about what your not-yet-girlfriend does or doesn’t do in bed.

  13. Are they still talking, is that door still open, quite a few questions i would have. Its not the worst thing but it can certainly have future problems if not fleshed out honestly.

  14. Depends how long. If like it was a week before we together but we are talking then yeah not looking good. If its like before you two where speaking it’s total history n don’t matter

  15. If its while we were dating, I would cut it off, I dont believe serial dating is good, If you are fucking other people while im putting in the effort to get to know you and taking you out on dates i would feel disrespected

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