What’s the first thing that attracts you to a girl(besides looks), if you don’t know her personally?

  1. I mean.. looks obviously.

    but besides looks, I’d how she holds her self, how confident she is being herself.

  2. i’m a gay man. but if i were to answer what attracts me to a man. I’d say

    his quiet demeanor. i really do “feel” people’s auras when we meet. and if i get a down-to-earth demeanor it attracts me. I can’t really describe it but when i see it i crush hard

  3. confidence & knowing what she wants. I recently moved to Florida & I find something incredibly attractive about the Floridian Female voice and how they talk.

  4. Smiles, voices, and their body language. A confident stance, a big grin, and some eyes sparkling with humor get me every time.

  5. Does her style count as looks?

    If not, her demeanor definitely. Her posture, where she puts her hands, how she moves when she speaks

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