Women, how well did you perform in school academically? What did you do?

  1. I was among the top 10% of graduates in my year which I was very proud of especially given my circumstances. I was super depressed as a teen and skipped like a good 80% of school days. But I was always a good autodidact so I just studied all the material by myself and then got good grades anyway even if I was never there.

  2. I always did really well, I liked school and learned well, and I think I found a lot of my value as a kid being the top student. But I was terrified of being “found out” not to be that smart as a kid had this fear of one day losing my “gift”, so I also worked really hard.

    So throughout middle school and high school, I was the kid who did their homework way ahead, planned a lot, would use some breaks at school to study in the library, would get up on my own to work on a Sunday morning… I did have friends and extracurriculars, otherwise I think I would have been pretty stunted as a person. I didn’t fit in with a lot of my classmates, but I was still in a pretty academics-oriented high school so I wasn’t rejected either for being a bit of an overachiever. I was good at everything but PE haha.

    And anyway it all prepared me pretty well for college, so I don’t regret it.

  3. I never got a grade that wasn’t A or A* except in PE. I’m studying politics and philosophy at a good university, and looking at a masters in psychology.

  4. I did well, top 10%, national honor society, dean’s list, etc. I just studied when I needed to and I tested well.

  5. I was valedictorian of my high school class and had a 3.8 GPA when I graduated with a B. S. I went on to get a M. S. and finished with a 3.5.
    Both my degrees are in Chemistry and I worked as an industrial analytical chemist my entire career, am now retired.

  6. I was valedictorian of my high school and graduated a fairly prestigious university suma cum laude. I had a chaotic and unpredictable homelife, but academics had a predictable and clear pattern of effort and reward, so it was a great place for me to both feel like I was in control and have my maladaptive people-pleasing and obsessive tendencies pay off. Unfortunately, success in that area led to a lot of problems going undiagnosed until later in life, when they spiraled to the point I couldn’t mask or compensate for them anymore, which led to some pretty intense self-loathing and general failure.

  7. I was a very mediocre student, always hated school, but I like to study alone, I am a self learner kind of person. I thrive in the workplace, so I don’t really care…

  8. Terrible at school as I don’t have a long attention span. Managed to swing a PhD, did well in it, and got good job offers. Honestly I think it came down to my spirit and enthusiasm but there are way more skilled people than me.

  9. I didn’t do that well.
    I dropped out after first year of college.
    And it’s been on and off since then.
    I am enrolled again as part time student.

    I switched from computer science to information technology.

  10. I performed very well in my primary school. Less well in my secondary school. And less well as time went on. I mostly passed but wasnt the top student.

  11. I considered (and still do consider) myself a straight B student. If I pushed it I did better but for my attention span and my lack of enthusiasm, I am straight B student. I think I was… 65th out of 360-370 something in my class? And I made the National Honor Society but beyond that I didn’t really push for excellence? I’ve always been mediocre. I cared enough to do the job and that’s been… fairly consistent throughout my life.

  12. School and learning just came to me easily. I don’t know if I started out ahead and stayed ahead or things just always made sense to me, but I acknowledge that I’ve been lucky. Especially in math, formulas were like reading words. I still studied and read ahead but I never had to do the cramming a night before, even when I was in pharm school.

    Luckily my kid is showing the same aptitude for school that I did so thank god she didn’t get her dads “edge of your seat” style of school.

  13. Like hot, stinky garbage.

    School and I never clicked. Something about sitting through classes and lectures made me daydream about being anywhere but mentally present.

    I would say that traditional academics isn’t always a measure of intelligence. If you’re able to do it well, I have a lot of respect for you. I never could hack it.

    I am passionate about encouraging those to grow in their own self awareness. Know who you are in both strengths and weaknesses, and build your life around setting and meeting goals built around your strengths.

  14. I was a straight-A student who went to university at 16 and graduated summa cum laude in less than 4 years. I won the graduating class award for my thesis project.

    I was totally miserable and in way over my head a lot of the time. It took me until starting full time work to realize that I actually don’t like school. I’m just really good at it. I thought if I’m so fucking smart why can’t I figure out how to make myself happy. So I did. I still have a lifelong battle with perfectionism, but I spend approximately 500% more time now doing things that I find valuable and rewarding than I did when I was a baby genius.

  15. I was great academically! I was 3rd in my class of 400ish students for GPA. Some subjects were easier than others, but I definitely studied hard. I was pretty antisocial and not involved in any clubs/sports/band so I had plenty of time and drive to focus on my schoolwork.

  16. Started strong and got worse and worse over time until I had classes that I actually failed at the end of high school. I was one of those smart kids who never learned how to study properly and had trouble finishing out of class work. As an adult, I suspect this may have actually been undiagnosed ADHD, but as I’m still struggling with executive function stuff it’s hard to deal with it.

  17. Yeah, so…I was average. I had undiagnosed ADHD and just didn’t thrive well. I should have been in more creative classes, but for some reason I wasn’t. I didn’t believe in myself. I thrived in FCCLA and family consumer science classes though.

  18. Damn I wasn’t so many people to be f*cking Einstein 💀

    I did the literal bare minimum in high school and graduated with a 3.0(had a 2.8 my sophomore year) Definitely doing way better in college tho

    Hated school work and homework

  19. I was the top student in my secondary school and did very well academically. Straight A*’s at GCSE and 4 A* at A Levels. Went to a top university and got decent marks, I was somewhere in the top 10%. I always found schoolwork came easily to me, I’m a quick learner and I retain knowledge better than most.

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