Recently split up (32) with my partner of 4 years (female) and still good friends and talking.

A friend of mine apparently heard from a friend of hers that I was abusive when drunk. This is totally not true.

I spoke to my ex about this and she was equally as frustrated. She decided to make a public post on social media about how good the relationship was and that we grew apart.

I highly doubt my ex would say these things but I also think my friend has a love for drama too. She knows that friend was a friend of hers only because I’ve mentioned it before.

Not sure how to navigate this one. Any help would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like a good old fashion game of telephone. You two know the truth and as long as this isn’t turning into a thing like people are attacking you about it I wouldn’t think too much on it. Sounds like that one grey hair should be plucked, not dyed. Aka, don’t pour gas on a candle. Although keep an eye on that friend. Exaggerating or not, sounds suspicious and why were they talking about you? I don’t trust them.

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