TLDR: ex just had a newborn but still wants to get in touch.

My ex just had a newborn months ago. I already told him that i don’t want this kind of situation and i deserve something better. He broke up with the girl before but due to cultural stuff and family pressure he went back to the girl since they have been together for almost 10 years. I’m not sure if he still loves the girl but i’m pretty sure yes because why would you have a kid with someone you don’t love. I love him but i don’t want this kind of mess.

  1. Block him.

    You are right that you should not want that mess. If he can do it to her, he can do it to you. How would YOU feel if your man was reaching out to other women after you just gave birth?! Ew, ew, ew. The guy is trash. Block and leave that trash in the past.

  2. Block him. Do what you have to do to deal with the loss. Move on.

    You’re right. You don’t want that kind of mess. So don’t allow yourself to be sucked in.

  3. Tell him that if he continues bothering you, you’ll be sending screenshots to his wife (?) and her family. Take a screenshot after he’s read the message, then block him on everything you can.

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