What is the most inconsiderate thing someone has done to you in the bedroom?

  1. honestly just begging for sex after i’ve already said no… guilt tripping and shit

  2. 1)Not even asking – just shoving it in (anal)

    2)Turning me down constantly for sex and then he would masterbate while I was gone.

    3) I’d wake up and he’d be looking at nude photos or porn on his phone

    4) We were having sex and a flash went off. He didn’t even ask if it was okay if he could take pictures.

    Yes, this is all the same guy. I have no clue why I stayed as long as I did.

  3. When I was dating this guy, I would spend the night at his house because I still lived with my family at the time. I didn’t want to have sex one day, so he just whipped out his phone, turned on porn and started masturbating right beside me. It was uncomfortable because he obviously had an attitude and was doing it aggressively. It felt like he was doing it to spite me or make me feel bad. It made me really uncomfortable and I looked at him differently after that.

  4. Told me my knees looked weird ( but still wanted to have sex)….
    Not sure what to do with that but it didn’t feel great!

  5. Got me all in the mood then right before we were about to have sex she fingered herself and went to bed but was nice she told me to lick and smell the hand she used and literally went to sleep

  6. I said to stop repeatedly because it was hurting me. He got frustrated, pushed my face down into a pillow, and kept going until he finished. Then patted my butt and said “God, you’re so tight.”

  7. After having sex he said “You know, you would pretty much be a 10 if you got implants and went up to a D cup”.

    Fuck you, M.B.

  8. Wake me up just to scream at me for hours about other people. (Not a romantic partner, this was a parent, and I was a kid)

    But if we’re talking sex stuff, then I got nothin. It’s been gravy.

  9. We were doing it and he stopped midway through. He went and showered without saying a word. He came back into the room, pulled his phone out, and blocked and deleted me from his phone. Then he asked me to drive him to his “sisters house” and I did. I was most likely driving him to another girl’s house which is humiliating, looking back on it now.

  10. Read hentai on his phone while being given a blowjob.

    Have sex with me while crying.

    Guilt and force me into doing anal.

  11. Begging for sex when I already said no.. followed by groping and begging when I say no again.. only stopping when I elbow him in the ribs or raise my voice loud enough for neighbours to hear.

    It happened on the regular. My mother told me that was normal boy behavior and he would grow out of it. He didnt.

    After we broke up he told me he thought that no meant “convince me”.

  12. When me and my man ((I’m 23 he’s 24)) (we have a 2yr old son together) have sex it’s never about making both of us feel good. It’s always about him and never tries to get me off. Or me always giving oral and never receiving. (He tells me me doesn’t like it anymore since he watched me give birth..) It’s been this way since our son was born. I’ve talked to him about it and sometimes he’s rude asf about it. 🙃

  13. Eating in my bedroom without a plate.

    To make it worse, he dusted the crumbs that was on the table onto the floor…

  14. Kept me up later than I wanted.

    Poor hygiene and not well-groomed.


    Whined to get what they wanted.

    Had unrealistic expectations.

    Went through my phone after I fell asleep.

  15. He whined and complained about me refusing to have sex without a condom, then stealthed me and grinned like he was so proud of himself because I didn’t notice until he told me.

  16. cat was sick on my bedroom floor bruh i know she cant control it and that but at least run to the toilet damn

  17. Ripped my tampon out then took the condom off and tried to stick his dick in my ass.

    I did not want to get with this man at all I was hanging with him for my friend to get with his friend, and he was really drunk and really strong, I struggled to stop him

  18. He didn’t know what he was doing and kinda punch-fisted me with nowhere near enough lube nor consent.

  19. Bothering me for sex, then when I caved, giving me a couple half-asses pumps, cumming, and immediately passing out.

  20. So a few years back my guy friend pressured me into having sex even though I clearly didn’t want to. I ended up giving in because I wasn’t able to get home (new area I moved to) and I felt stuck there. He apologized years later. It was the smallest dick I have ever rode.

  21. Told him to be careful with how deep he goes and the first thing he does is bottom out.

  22. definitely doing anal without asking for my permission and did not get a heads up…didnt know how to feel…also my first ex was kind of toxic.. we were having sex in a hotel room and DURING sex, he was making me look at his phone that was full of chats with random girls and i literally cried 🙁

  23. Flat out raped me in front of two of our male friends. Then all three of them peeled out in my car. Assholes. (Edited: grammar. Sigh.)

  24. Tried to manipulate me into having sex, wanted me to be a cosplay sex waifu, tried to force anal despite me disliking it intensely, lied about the escorts on his phone and looking at women and sexy cosplay ladies on his IG, felt “guilty” about getting off to pr0n only after his deed was done, continually telling me that he, in his own way, wanted to see “other people”, was really not self-aware about what was really killing my sex drive.

    I probably have more to say, but that’s all I remember at the mo.

  25. Not respecting my choices or saying no. Or coercing me into sex by having it feel like the relationship rides on whether I put out or not.

  26. I won’t mention the worst thing I’ve been through, but one thing I hated was that he refused to manicure his nails properly and then expected me to let him put his sharp nails inside me. I told him no, he kept pushing, so he did it and within the next ten minutes I was in so much pain trying to pee that I was crying. It hurt from my abdomen all the way through my stomach and into my chest, that’s how badly he carved me inwardly.

    So. Guys. Please practice proper hygiene for the love of God. Especially if you’re gonna touch her lady bits.

  27. Dude who took my virginity, was also my boyfriend. After a couple months of sex, he had the gall to ask if he could c*m in me, and before I could answer, he had. I wish I could say I was smart enough to break it off immediately after that but alas. I was stupid enough to believe his sheepish little “sorry” and continue for four or five more months

  28. Hurricane Laura came through town and I had taken two Xanax and gone to bed, because I was having panic attacks all day about it and just wanted to sleep through it… woke up in the morning to be told by my boyfriend at the time that he had tried to stick his dick in my mouth for a blowjob but I was unresponsive. He tried to rape my mouth while I slept.

  29. First bf (both 15 at the time) – he was an ex very soon after. We had already been going for a while with a condom on, but he couldn’t finish. He wanted to try without. I said no. Repeatedly. I also cried a bit while he went ahead and continued without a condom despite my “no”.

  30. I was really into this guy and very much attracted to him. We’d had sex multiple times already and I didn’t care that he never helped me finish or bothered to ask if I’d finished. But this one time, I was really horny and after we were done, he went to sleep and I laid there staring at the ceiling feeling so miserable because I was so unsatisfied. I tried to do it myself but eventually gave up and just went to sleep.

  31. Woke up to find my boyfriend vaginally fucking me – basically fucking me without consent when I slept. We had sex before that point and that was not something we cleared beforehand.

    When I woken up to it, I was shocked but pretended to be asleep a while longer and to hope it would stop since I was in pain. I didn’t want to confront him at the time for fear of starting an argument or him getting angry. My guess is I wasn’t wet enough at the time since he gave up a few minutes later and went off to the bathroom.

    A relationship does not give someone free reign over your body. Took me awhile after that to realize it. Though as someone who dealt with sexual assault and molestation previously this seemed like a small deal at the time. I look back on it now a bit angry but having forgiven myself for not speaking up at the time.

  32. We were standing and kissing. He started to shove my head down. I resisted, pushing my head back up..and then he just shoved it down more instead of taking it as an obvious sign that I didn’t want to.

    This is the same guy that told me that he supports “me too” and has given his son a lesson on how no means no, because he takes it so seriously.

    He also jerked off after I declined a bj on our first date. When he came, he got some on his finger and shoved it my mouth. Because that’s totally what I wanted, right? ::eyeroll::

    Dude sucked and has no idea how to treat women.

  33. I used to wake up to my husband having sex with me!

    I hated this so much because I was molested and sexually abused as a child. I would feel like I was being taken advantage of and it also made me feel anxious and upset.

    He doesn’t do anything to me without my consent and coherence now.

  34. This was a threesome between a friend and his then girlfriend. We were having a good time, things were going as expected. I started performing oral on him, and as I’m doing so, his girlfriend grabbed me by the hips and starts slamming her crotch into my butt while saying “you like my big dick daddy?”

    I wouldn’t say this was inconsiderate so to speak, but that’s something I would have certainly appreciated some warning about.

  35. Had a ‘friend’ rape me while I was passed out drunk. Woke up to him finishing in me. He blocked me on all platforms after. i ended up pregnant and thankfully had a miscarriage. The whole situation was messed up.

  36. Well, my first time was rape. The guy lied about having a prestigious job but was actually living on a yoga mat with christmas lights. Guilted me into having him take my virginity so I said that we could do anal. He stealthed me and continued to fuck me when I repeatedly told him to stop. Once he was finished, it turned out that I got shit on him. He used it against me as a way to humiliate me. Then, he tried to gaslight me into thinking I had HPV because of a razor bump I had on my vulva. This guy was so cold and distant towards me, trying to kick me out without any basic human empathy. Then he was in the mood again and put his dick inside my vagina WITHOUT CONSENT. I expressed how it really hurt and he replied in a patronizing tone, “Awww does it hurt?” When I called him by his first name as I was leaving, he was startled and blurted: “Don’t try to ruin my life.”

    He knew he did something wrong. For a good 6 months after that, I had anxiety using the bathroom, sleeping on my side, my body felt disgusting and I would forget it belonged to me, I had suicidal thoughts, self harm issues, angry outbursts, and just a myriad of issues.

    While I still have some of those issues, antidepressants and seeing a therapist has really helped. It’s almost been 3 years and I haven’t been on a date since.

    At the time, I thought the defecation was the worst part but now I think it’s the best part. Why? Because the human body can be amazing and remind you of danger or your fear before you can even mentally process it. It made me appreciate the functions of my body.

  37. I was riding a guy on the couch. He was sitting up and I straddled his lap. I don’t like being on top, but I was getting into it. Everything was going well until he farted and it crept between our bodies, past the dong and past the coochie. It. Smelled. Horrible. Then he laughed and said he’d been holding it in for that moment.


  38. I was 16+. And he was 24+ that time. After getting into relationship when i met my ex 2nd time. We kissed, cuddled.He took off my shirt I was ok until then but I wasn’t ready to have sex. He forced me, tied up my body,held my hands then took off my pants and panties. I was begging, crying, trembling but he didn’t listen. I screamed and he pressed my face w a pillow . When he was so close to insert his dick inside me. I was like no i can’t let it happen. I pushed him so Hard nd accidentally hit his nose,he got numb for few minutes cz it hurts on nose , within few minutes his friends came there so i felt safe. Later he apologized and we were together for one year. Yes! I was naive and stupid .

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