So I met this girl, we’re both 18 she’s in my student housing center and I got her snap, we’ve been talking and we are going to go on a date next week I haven’t told her this but its my first date ever. I dont know what to do now, like should I keep messaging her until the date next week or should I message her like the day before?? Also what first date tips would you recommend for me? Thanks

  1. Beeing you. You cant play someone else in a relationship so start with beeing honest and beeing yourself. Many try do beeing the best they can and it WILL make it worse. (its some stuff thats only working for ONS stuff….)

    I guess telling her that you like her and that you are nervous should be in generall a good thing. Trying to overplay it would make it realy realy bad lol. I speak from experience lol. If you try to make it right you WILL do stupid stuff.

    Dont under any circumstances try to impress her with stuff like doing a handstand, a breakdance or a kungfu move and stuff like that. That WILL make you look completly weird. If you are nervous make your self as relaxed as possible and chill.

    Dont donwplay shyness work with it. “yo youu you are….omg i cant even talk..” Its much better then..”yeah babe you baabb…i i mean babe yoo”.

    Perhabs watch a cringy date compilation and learn from it lol.

  2. Make sure your date’s at night, play the entire thing aloof and, no matter what happens, kiss her at the end. Because friends don’t kiss.

  3. Stop messaging her until the date. You don’t want to kill the mystery and anticipation. Make the date at some cozy place where you can sit and get to know each other. It should be lively but not too loud and jarring. A cafe lounge would be nice, but an action date can also be awesome. Like an arcade or weather permitting going outside and playing some outdoor game.

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