I don’t know what it is, but it feels like I have to keep calling people that are attracted to me on their nonsense to get anywhere. It’s like I’m dating lawyers with a cock-tease fetish. I must be doing something wrong. I’m not looking for this personality type, it just seems to be the only type that seems to really like me. For example:

Me: “Are you in a relationship?”

Them: “I’m not looking.”

I don’t want to have to say “that didn’t answer my question” all the time. I don’t want to have to be on my guard for weaselly lawyerspeak with every other sentence they speak, because when I’m not on my guard, it’s come back to bite me.

It must be me. I must be putting off some kind of vibe. What am I doing wrong? I refuse to believe I have to always do this crap in normal, healthy relationships.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you’re hitting on women who aren’t attracted to you.

    That’s a shit question BTW. Let her actions show you if she’s with someone and understand sometimes women will say they have a BF, when they don’t. If a chick is a lil flirty and says she has a BF my goto is, “oh, he’s gonna LOVE me.”

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