I’m pretty sure I have a bartholin cyst. A really small one. Im getting it checked by the gyno later but I am pretty sure this is what I am dealing with. I was really wanting to use my toy. Its the kind of toy that just sits in the vagina no thrusting required. Im just worried that it would make it worse though. My libido is really high and im feeling desperate but im not going to do anything if its not safe so an answer to this question would be amazing rn. Thank you!!!!

  1. Honestly I had to Google what Bartholin cyst is.
    Is it infected and sore? If not you should be able to use the toy gently. Since you are going to your GYN for her/him to treat it. Go easy and use lube.

    Hope that helps 😉

  2. I would not recommend it.. As someone who has had a bartholin cyst, you want to make sure you keep the area as clean as possible to prevent it from getting worse. Mine grew to about the size of a pea and it was so painful, I literally couldnt walk for days. Go to the doctor, get some antibiotics, and wait until it goes away. Especially bc bartholin cysts are likely to come back in the future and you could become resistant to treatment. Best to not risk it

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