I need to start exercising again and curious as to others’ regimines. Do you work out at home or gym? What exercises do you do? How many days a week? Cardio? What are the times you work out?

  1. I do 4 times a week if possible.

    Shoulders day 1

    Chest and bicep day 2

    Rest day 3

    Back and triceps day 4

    Legs day 5

    Rest for the last 2 days.

    Edit : I do cardio everyday . At least 30 minutes. I usually spend 2 hours at the gym. Im getting old so I take my time.

  2. It depends on your goal, if it’s to look better id suggest 3-4 days a week in the gym doing weight lifting. Eat a lot of protein( depends on your body weight) and sprinkle in a little bit of cardio such as boxing,skipping or treadmill on an incline.
    I prefer to go at night so between 6pm and 10pm but depending on what gym you go to this might be the busiest time.

  3. For anyone looking for a workout, I strongly suggest considering what your goals are. When I started getting back into the gym 12 years ago I read up heavily on Bodybuilding.com. I started with Lee Labrada’s routine and really figured out my diet.

    But if you do go down that path of working out, NEVER EVER short yourself on cardio to warm up. A minimum of 10 minutes to get the heart pumping.

    As for my workouts, I use the Jefit App and loosely follow Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Shred.

  4. I used to do

    50-100 dumbbell curls (10lb weights)

    20-30 push-ups

    20-50 squats (with a rolled rug across my shoulders)

    Shadowboxing for 30 mins wearing weighted gloves and ankle weights.

    Did that in the morning and after I got home from work.

  5. Morning: Watch sports recap from previous day.

    Afternoon: Walk 1/4 mile to cafeteria (and back)

    Evening: Try to catch some sort of a game or, worse case scenario, WWE footage.

    Later Evening: Beer can tossing to see if I can make into wastecan in corner.

    Latest Evening: If I’m still awake, crawl to bedroom, clenching glutes along the way.

  6. Daily: Kettlebell swings and pushups in the morning and evening, walking 1 mile.

    2x a week: Strength training, focusing on compound exercises (bench press, squats, deadlifts, pull ups, etc)

    1-2x a week: youtube exercise with the wife. Usually yoga or cardio focused. More about spending time with her than the exercise.

    I know I’d get better results by far if I could fit a third strength training day in, but it never seems to work out. My main goal is just to stay healthy and keep a sustainable routine.

  7. I go to a public gym M/W/F.

    Monday is chest/legs. Bench/squat focus

    Wednesday is back/chest. Deadlift/bench focus

    Friday is legs/back. Squat/ pull ups focus

    90-120mins each day depending on how busy it is.

    6-8 rep range for 3 sets on core lifts and 8-10rep 2 set on auxillary/cable lifts.

    Increase core lift weight by 5lbs every 3rd week and move auxiliary based on whatever I can squeeze out that particular day.

    Working on weaving in a bit of cardio for stamina, however weight loss is going to be more of a diet issue if that’s your thing.

  8. Upper lower split 4 days a week. Focus on heavy compound movements. You don’t need anymore then the basics. Other than that 10K steps a day. Eat according to your goals, whether that be calorie deficit or surplus.

  9. I work out every weekday and take the weekends off, unless I have an especially rich meal on the weekend. I feel gross if I eat heavy and don’t exercise.

    My general routine is: 1) wake up ~6:30 am, 2) do 150 sit-ups plus an undetermined number of squats (basically until I get bored), 3) eat breakfast, 4) work for awhile, 5) do some weightlifting for about 5 minutes or so, using 25-pound barbells (bench press mostly, plus other random arm exercises), plus more squats, 6) work more, then eat lunch around noon, 7) walk around my neighborhood, typically ~2 miles, 8) work until end of workday, repeating step 5 occasionally when I get bored, 9) eat dinner, do ablutions, and have fun until bed, repeating step 5 at least once.

    I find doing a lot of small exercise sessions throughout the day to be the best for my lifestyle, and it makes the exercises seem like less of a drudgery.

  10. Monday is chest and cardio

    Tuesday is shoulders and cardio

    Wednesday is triceps and cardio

    Thursday is back and cardio

    Friday is legs and cardio

    Saturday is biceps and cardio

    Sunday I rest.

    General farm related work also helps.

  11. Day 1 – variations of the squat, horizontal press and pull, isolate adductors and upper back.
    Day 2 – variations of a hip hinge, vertical press and pull. Isolate triceps and side delts
    Day 3 – shoulder external rotators, rear delts, calves, core.

    Rinse and repeat take rest as necessary. Getting 10,000+ steps as per my job. 4-6 hrs a week hot n cold sauna. Cardio when necessary to manage cv health, rather than simply burn cals. Mobility warm ups every session. Changing exercise variations, orders, progression systems etc every 4 to 6 weeks. Depending on whether I’m cutting bulking, recovering from illness injury or just suffering from the fatigue of life in general.

    My approach allows me to free-form my training depending on circumstances. And provide opportunities to maintain during the shit times. And go all hell during the good times. While hitting most essential movements twice in a week.

  12. Run outdoors five times a week with Mon and Fri as off days. I have one run club I join weekly, another club is bi-weekly. Usually I run between 30-40 miles per week depending on how busy I am or shitty the weather is.

    This year I am going to include some routine to give my muscles some tone but not to bulk up. Instead of having pencil thin arms I’d like for there to be some shape to my arms/abs/legs. Any suggestions on what workouts are good or who to follow lemme know.

    I’m already slim from running so weight loss is not anything I need to be concerned with.

  13. I just do some situps, squats, pullups, etc whenever I feel like it. My main exercise is from riding a bike about every other day, in a very hilly area. And I swim in the summer.

  14. I use a workout app.
    Gets me in and out of the gym in an efficient hour. It gives me a range of exercises and tracks the weights so that I am progressively adding more weight.
    I use machines, free weights and kettlebells.
    I try to get in the gym 4-5 days and try to ride my bike 2 days, and do at least 1/2 hour of cardio (at the gym or elsewhere) every day.

    For me:I need weights plus diet plus supplements to get results.

  15. 2.5 to 3 hours per day, 7 days a week. I do a high volume push/pull/legs split.

    Push workout –
    Incline bench press,
    shoulder press,
    incline coffin press,
    cable flys,
    Rope cable pressdowns superset with one-arm cable pressdowns,
    dropset skullcrushers superset with close-grip bench press

    Pull workout-
    Upright barbell rows superset with barbell shrugs,
    Bent-over Barbell rows,
    Reverse dumbbell flys,
    One-arm Dumbbell rows,
    Cable pullovers,
    Barbell curls,
    Reverse grip Barbell curls,
    Dumbbell hammer curls

    Leg workout-
    Leg press,
    Barbell lunges,
    Leg extensions,
    Hamstring curls,
    Glute-ham raises,
    Weighted crunch machine (both front and side)
    Hanging Leg lifts,
    30 minutes on the exercise bike

  16. Hi, I am 27 years old at 5”11 at 180 lbs and this is my gym routine.

    Monday: Push day

    Tuesday: Pull day

    Wednesday: Legs

    Thursday: Break

    Friday: Push day

    Saturday: Pull day

    Sunday: I do Legs or if needed a Break day.

    I forgot to mention that I run at least a mile after every workout.

  17. Am fortunate that here in Australia outdoor gyms in parks are everywhere.

    I really hate the idea of going to an actual gym and have no idea what to buy for a home one.

    So my routine is go for a short run around the neighbourhood. Stop at the outdoor gym and do a couple of sets on each apparatus and then jog home.

    I don’t have a set schedule really. Just try and do that 3 times a week.

    Then try and be active on other days.

  18. 1 Day Squats with various leg excercises included

    1 day for deadlift/back

    Same goes for bench/shoulders

    Used to do powerlifting so i build my training around the compound lifts. I also make sure to do a minimum of two core excercises everytime I train.

    Day 4: Running

    Day 5: Swimming

    I’ll take days off when I feel the need to. Could be between any of the afformentioned sessions or on top of eachother, but never more than two days off in a row.

    Listen to your body.

  19. My daily exercise regime:

    Step 1: Think about exercising.
    Step 2: Procrastinate.
    Step 3: Sleep.

  20. I have 3 scheduled workout days a week, and I’ll join a crossfit class or two on top of that every now and then.

    The routine is based on a deadlift-focused program called Mag/Ort, mixed with a template from Stronger By Science.

    Day 1: Deadlift, bench press, pullups, dumbbell OHP, curls, tricep extensions, abs.

    Day 2: Deadlift, squats, chinups, incline bench press, curls, tricep extensions, abs.

    Day 3: Deadlift, barbell OHP, dumbbell row, close-grip bench press, curls, abs.

    Cardio is getting to work or the crossfit classes, and I work out in the afternoon after work.

  21. Home in the basement, every weekday after work. We’ve got a treadmill, mats, and a lot of dumbbells, a bench, other weight training stuff. I prefer MMA and boxing cardio over the treadmill. Still do a lot of P90x when the mood strikes.

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