I \[23M\] throught last year made progress with self-acceptance and confidence, after toxic relationship and mental breakdown. Some time ago, I noticed that one of the new girl \[18F\] in my group of friends being extra physical with me (she is sister of my best friend’s new girlfriend). Like grabbing my arm when we go out to smoke during party, giving me extra long hugs when we greet or say goodbye to eachother. When she was talking to me, she often used diminutive form of my name. She even invited me to a party as her plus one. Even some of my friends told me that they think she is into me.

On one party in my best friend’s house, after comig out from jacuzzi she snuggled to me and after a while when everybody was going to sleep, she offered me to go to bed with her, so I didn’t have to sleep on an couch. I agreed and when we went to the bed, she almost immediately went on other side and told me she is sleepy and went straight to sleep. In the morning parents of my bestfriend were coming ealier than expected and we me and some other friends had to evacuate asap. Later I texted her if she wants to meet one-to-one and just hang out, to which she replied “sorry, I can’t today, why are you asking?”. So I explained to her that I like talking and spending time with her. Her response was “I understand”, after which she stopped talking to me.

Unfortunately I had to leave my hometown cause holidays ended and my next term on university began. I thought I wouldn’t be able to see and talk to her, but my bestfriend who study in the some univeristy as me told me that his gf and her sister (girl I’m talking about) will be comig to out Uni town for one-month apprenticeship. On first weekend he invited me go out in group for some drinks, and she was also there. But she was distanced from me, didn’t want to talk at all, just some short answers. I didn’t want to push or make her uncomfortable so I let it go. Sadly I noticed that she was more physical with other of my bestfriends homies, like she was with me few weeks prior.

I was feeling blue, so I low-key talked with my bestfriend and his gf (her sister) seperatly, and explained them situation and asked them if I did something wrong. Or if I can still shoot my shot. To which my bro told me that I should talk with his gf, and she told me that her sis is kinda tired of guys hitting on her and maybe that’s the reason she acted like this.

Skip few months. We didn’t talk to eachother for that time. I was organizing New Year’s Eve party in my hometown with few of my friends, one of them was my bestfriend. As the girl is my bestfriend’s girlfriend’s sister she was invited to that party as well. On the day of the party as organizers we had to be earlier to finish some decoring stuff. My bestfriend brought his girl and her sis also, cause they didn’t have any other option of coming. I didn’t have any expectations towards meeting her, just hoping to spend some quality time on a party. To my surprise she was ultra happy meeting me, acting super nice, talking to me like old time pals. I was kinda shocked, but also I liked it. After that we met on few group events (like cinema or hockey games) and she is again acting like in the first weeks that we met eachother.

I don’t want to mess it up again, but I feel conflicted inside cause I like her, and want to ask her out again.



**tl;dr**: I don’t know if girl I like is flirting with me or just friendly, cause I don’t know what it should feel like

1 comment
  1. To me it seems like one of those cases where youtook too long and she kinda lost interest but than when she saw you after a while the inrest resurfaced. I’d say to you to be more clear about your interest in her, like make sure that when you ask her out she knows it’s a proper date.

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