i just canceled plans with the guy I am talking too because I am breaking out I have a pimple on my lip and I rarely rarely ever get acne so it’s kind of like idk I’m not used to it. (Im not asking what you guys think he’s thinking)
but I’m just curious what would men think if this is the reason a girl canceled on u?

  1. I would feel like I was being flaked out on. From your situation I can see that it’s not, but if I received that text, I’d be pretty bummed out.

  2. I’d just make up a valid reason and make sure to reschedule if I were you. Say you had a family emergency or a friend who needed your help. Key here is to reschedule to show you’re serious about meeting

  3. I’d be turned off because you are probably going to be super high maintenance. Just lie lol.

  4. I will try to be understanding one time, as long as you offered to reschedule in a week or so. If it happened more than once, I’m not interested.

  5. I’d assume you just didn’t want to go on the date and had made up a bad excuse. Sorry but as others have said, make up a better excuse and if you like him, suggest an alternative date/time. That’s the most important but. If you don’t suggest a new date he will assume you just bailed.

  6. I would break things off and be happy to have dodged a bullet.

    That is the kind of insecurity that I would not want in a partner.

  7. It’s disappointing but not the end of the world. If I’m not feeling good about myself I don’t go out either.

  8. If your that superficial, I’d probably be out for good.

    You prioritize your looks over an experience with him.

  9. If he sees a pimple on your lip and cannot handle that then how could the relationship ever be possible? They are more scared of you than you are of them. 🙂 #meme

    For you I would say that you have to redirect the insecurity you feel about the pimple from yourself, your identity essentially, to a more practical concern. TBH at the end of the day the pimple shouldn’t change anything, and if he is bothered by a pimple then I say congratulations for finding out who he is so soon. 🙂

  10. If you cancel the date but then set a time for a new one then I feel like any rational dude would be cool with it.

  11. it happens. I’d tell her I wished she didn’t cancel, but it’s up to her and I understand that.

  12. Get over your insecurity it’s not attractive, will constantly be a problem until you deal with it and It’s a huge turn off. You don’t want to be know as the girl who flakes all the time.

    I wouldn’t call you again.

  13. Personally, I would have gone on the date but beforehand I would have said “dude, be prepared, I have a huge pimple on my lip and it’s not cute.” Then I would have gone on the date and been as awesome as I could be. Giant pimple aside.

  14. That you aren’t secure enough of who you are. That I mean so little to you that you wouldnt be willing to see me over a pimple

  15. I am torn on this, can I blame someone for feeling insecure? But then again, maybe he was looking forward to it.

    I feel like that is not a good enough excuse if it’s something he was looking forward to. If it was a nothing special kinda date and you see each other often, then it’s ok.

  16. You do you, but some guys can easily overlook that. You don’t have to be literally perfect. It’s not a stretch to call it selfish. He will be understanding, and he should respect ur decision though

  17. As long as YOU reschedule, he may think that he is the problem. Sounds like you are nervous about the date, hence the breakout.

  18. If you had told him ahead of time about it I think he would have said it doesn’t matter, come out anyway. Personally if a girl cancels because of that I’d probably think she didn’t want to go out and found an excuse, or I can’t believe this girl canceled because of a pimple, is it that big of a deal?

    I’m sure girls care more about that and I’ve felt that way too but I think I’d feel worse about canceling a date than being seen with a pimple.

  19. I’d worry that it’s a soft rejection and that she doesn’t like me for my appearance and personality because I’m also insecure.

    Unless we’re rescheduling, then I’d just be bummed but look forward to seeing her next.

  20. I would have a deep think about whether I have the strength, will and endurance to deal with this kind of insecurity. Probably not. It took me months to stop at least some of these “not feeling attractive” thoughts for my ex. I do think it was worth it and even tho she doesn’t talk to me any more I hope I could help her in life by making her at least a little less insecure about herself. But I wouldn’t do this to someone I just recently met.

  21. Flakes happen, people are human. On the whole I’d rather not see you if you’re really not up to it.

    Unless it’s part of a pattern of flaking, distancing or putting me off that’s been going on for a while (in which case I’ll probably take a hint and move on) or we were going to do something particularly special (especially something a lot of planning went into) it doesn’t seem worth getting worked up over.

    0% chance I believe the pimple is your entire reason though lol.

  22. If ur gonna cancel and u want to actually see this person, I recommend choosing a new date to do it. I’m not just talking like “oh we’ll go some other time”. Be like “i can’t today how about next Saturday at 7?” That way at least it shows ur making an interest and he won’t feel like ur just flaking on him.

  23. It’s ok to be insecure. But letting that insecurity control your meter of fun is less ok. Letting that insecurity shut you down to the point that you don’t want to leave the house is bad. Not going to be your last pimple. Pimples will happen throughout your adult life. It happens. But if you really can’t handle, rescheduling is way better than canceling.

  24. I’d make sure you initiate the plans now. I’d personally just think either you’re not that interested or just a bit of a flake and move on. Don’t wait for him to try again!

  25. All my mates me included would stay away if we found out we got canceled on because of a pimple. It shows you very insecure (even if you believe you aren’t) and dating insecure women is terrible in my experience. 10/10 wouldn’t recommend.

  26. It’s alright some guys have other girls to date on that same night. Not the end of the world, just get that lip checked for herpes.

  27. Depends on the plans and how often it happens.

    Blow off going out on a typical Saturday night? Sure.

    Blow off concert tickets I paid a couple hundred for? No. I will go without you. And give away your ticket.


  28. First, it sounds made up. 2nd, it seems like a red flag if she can’t over look one small thing like that. If she fell off a skate board and had road rash over 1/2 her face, ok , but 1 zit?

  29. I wouldn’t be mad, but I wouldn’t make future plans either. There are other things I’d rather be doing than spending time rescheduling plans.

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