Let’s call him aaron
I knew Aaron for over a year , our friendship started as school work and i got curious about him so i started talking to him getting to know him and it turned out that we live nearby so we always go home together , and then Aaron started opening up much more and more to the point that i know everything about his family although i never saw them , know his experiences and everything, and i love how we can talk about different subjects , how he does respect boundaries, and how there’s so much personal space on this friendship .

When i want to go buy something he goes with me , he tolerates behaviors that a normal friend wouldn’t , i did start catching feelings because the dude is somehow the perfect mix that i was looking for but i was unsure
Months passed and when school started again
Aaron is literally all the time with me whether in class outside of it , looking for me when I’m not around just to come to tease me or sit without talking or something of this sort , we never flirted although even if it happened it’s in a joking way , those emotions that i buried became alive again and i tried my best to well…control them and it did work
But last months our group friends and everyone around started chipping us , i do not care tbh yet i was worried that he may get uncomfortable with it , but on the opposite he is super chill and fine with all comments, plus his body language always trying to seek my attention , looking through my eyes when before he wasn’t able to do so , touching my elbow when he’s talking leaning toward and other stuff , not to mention when we talk about dating and he start talking about things that he would do with her , and immediately starts doing them with me , and he is a not that close to girls and stuff and he talks to them with high boundaries (while he does the opposite with me ) , and approximately the lnly girls that he talks to is my girl’s group

So do you think this guy actually likes me or he just found a female friend that is super sweet and understanding and chill to be around her ??

1 comment
  1. This is an easy one. He prefers to start out as friends. If you’ve never been his friend he won’t pursue you. Guys like him, that could care less about spending time with those other girls, is someone who values strong bonds. He’s probably tried to befriend you because he’s interested but he needs that friendship to learn more to figure out if you’re someone worth dating.

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