Horoscopes are just birthday racism.

  1. Because they want the one. Alot of them believe in soul mates or some cosmos design around love.

  2. A girl here (sorry 😅).

    Some women are more emotionally oriented than some men. It’s easier to fall into that trap of believing it and investing your time and attention into it.

    **But** not everyone believes these things.

    Personally, I don’t.

    *Just my humble opinion*

  3. Same reason men fall into the “male archetype” mindset.

    We like the idea our lives are fated out and wanna know how it will play out, step-by-step.

  4. Most of the people I know who are into it know at the end of the day that it isn’t real. It’s just a fun way to prompt a little introspectiveness and bond with people, like “what Harry Potter house are you”. And the emotional introspection and social aspect are kinda more feminine.

    That said, people who take it seriously are ridiculous.

  5. A good chunk of astrology is specifically aimed at women. Men can also be superstitious in their own way (look at sports, for example), or fall for other types of bullshit (which is also specifically aimed at us, unfortunately)

  6. Why aren’t you asking women?

    Or is your actual question “what do men think is the reason women seem more interested in horoscopes”?

  7. Space racism. Seriously women have more inbound hatred to Leo’s and goats than can be naturally explained.

  8. Woman here, sorry. Besides the clichés, most women need a sense of security or safety for the future. I guess astrology provides them with that.

  9. I know you’re asking men, but let me give my observation as a woman, too, since the way this question is phrased seems like it’s more directed at women 😛

    I think it’s because there are still many women who don’t have people who say genuinely nice things to them. Horoscopes and tarot channels on youtube were the places I went to in my deepest depression because the astrologers were always positive, they always had something nice to say about my star sign (and by extension, me) that I couldn’t see in that moment.

    At every point in time did I know it’s not real (seriously, everyone born around the same time has the same personality? statistically unlikely lmao) but it’s just nice to have people call out your strengths and even weaknesses and tell you to take it easy when you’re feeling down and being hard on yourself.

    I think the difference between men and women is that girls are raised differently than boys and are more pushed to be social from a young age onwards, and therefore they are more likely to search out people who say nice things about them.

  10. Astrology allows you to deny accountability. Men are socialized to feel hyper-accountable for anything really.

  11. As a man I find astrology very useful, because I know when roughly they are born, so I don’t forget birthdays.

    I am romantic type, so when I date women, they tell me their sign and I count how far is it, and prepare special date.

  12. People do not take the fact that you’re a brain very well and create senses of spirituality to connect with.

    We have it too we just don’t use stars. Have you seen the *millions* of men into the stupid ass “alpha” shit. Every male centric religion, which the largest religions are, also counts as spiritual nonsense.

    It’s all rather silly how we just can’t accept how boring humanity is as a species. People want to make their lives more interesting and this is something people attach themselves to.

  13. Because they appeal to social and emotional aspects of people and women tend to be more driven in that direction than men.

  14. I liked this Witchesvspatriarchy reasoning that I read a while back.

    Essentially, a lot of people are spiritual and want to believe in a some form of higher power. That leads a lot of people to religion. But the major religions in the West, specifically Christianity, are generally led by men and assume a hierarchy with men at the top.

    Astrology fills that desire for a higher power but is less structured and allows you to create your own rules.

  15. Astrology is for people who want a religion but don’t want christianity and don’t have cultural connections to anything else. It allows you to feel like there’s some form of order or expected outcome to the world and it makes people feel secure in that, just like every other religion.

    Men tend to be more present in conspiracy communities for that same reason.

  16. Here’s my semi-informed take:

    Men are (usually) socialized to focus on basing their actions around moral/philosophical principles (e.g. “be a good man,” or “be trustworthy”) whereas women are (more often) socialized to focus on basing their actions around interactions with other people (e.g. “don’t be an unfaithful partner,” or “eat a healthy diet so others will find you attractive”)

    Astrology doesn’t appeal as much to men because men aren’t as frequently conditioned to treat people differently based on their background, interactions, position whereas women are more likely to be thinking about how to act based on *who* they are interacting with.

    Astrology claims to offer guidance on peoples personalities, predilictions, and compatibility, which would be very useful information to someone who is already analyzing interactions based on positionality.

    Fwiw most people I know who dabble in astrology treat it more as a fun idea to consider rather than rote law, similar to what I saw another commenter point out about Harry Potter Houses

  17. Imo. This question should be directed towards women for a better in depth answer.

    I am a woman but i would like to shed light on this topic.

    The biggest reason why women love horoscopes so much is because, in the media, we are critisized for our looks, our size, make up, our careers, essentially our lives, body, and accomplishments are put under a microscope and dissected.

    Horoscopes tend to offer a more positive outlook to women. Often attributing positive traits to women rather than putting them down. It uplifts us as beings.

    Sure some of it has become a meme and some take it to far but its meant to be lighthearted.

    Also, on a more serious note, it is tied to a few cultures as well so respect should be cautioned. Thanks!

  18. There’s something about monthly things that resonates with women.

    Something periodic.

  19. There is no inherent reason why women should be more interested in horoscopes and astrology than men. In fact, there is a long history of men practicing astrology and using it for various purposes. It is possible that the perception that women are more interested in these subjects is influenced by societal stereotypes and the way that astrology is marketed and presented in popular culture. Some people may be drawn to astrology because they find it to be a comforting or reassuring way to make sense of the world, while others may be interested in the potential insights it can provide into their personality and future. Ultimately, people of any gender can be interested in astrology for a variety of reasons.

  20. Women are, on average, more actively interested in why people are the way they are, and men are more interest in why systems/things are the way they are.

    You can see this partially in major selection.

    Women make up 40% of chemists (and most physical sciences), but 65% of psychologists.

    Women make up 26% of economists, but 77% of sociologists.

    Interest in why people are the way they are manifests as psychology/sociology if you’re more sophisticated, or astrology if you aren’t. They both claim to explain why people are the way they are.

    Men believe dumb shit too, just generally different dumb shit. I’d bet almost anything that the overwhelming majority of flat earthers are men.

  21. I think in general women try a lot harder to find ways to guess how people will act or how their personality will be without having to talk to them. It’s like how a lot of women like true crime docs and use it to determine red flags for someone being a potential serial murderer.

  22. Men and women both fall for dumb shit like this; as others said its more often gambling or sports for men. I think part of the appeal of horoscopes and then later personality testing sometimes is a desire to be categorized. Part of being a group gives people value when they are insecure, and (for societal reasons) women may be more prone to low self worth

  23. Just like how some people read or watch movies to escape reality. Some people clings to astrology to feel better about the world

  24. It’s odd that you’re asking men why women do something.

    Here, the question might be more, why DON’T men find astrology very interesting?

    I’m glad you asked.

    Everything affects everything else, but the closer and more powerful an event is, the more it affects the things around it. I’m thinking that the things that are closest to me will generally have a more powerful effect than the things that are millions of miles away – planets, that is.

  25. Honestly, astrology is to women what crypto and sports betting is to broke people.

    I know plenty of women who abhor astrology.

  26. Women tend to want to know peoples life story and everything about them but men tend to not care so much, astrology gives them the details they crave as well as a sense you know someone better, especially when men tend to be incredibly vague about everything and not really let you in. It also appeals to women who like gossip and want to know everything

  27. Tbf, men get into crypto, the Alpha/Beta/Sigma thing, and conspiracy theories more than women do.

  28. I think it appeals to those who can easily see patterns and cycles, that can legitimately apply it to their situation or circumstance. Why is the study of our galaxy and it’s physical pull and influence so unreasonable? The gravitational pull of the moon affects the tide. As humans we are made up of mostly water and energy. How is applying the same theory so difficult to grasp?
    Perhaps the feminine is more biologically connected to the gentle movements of all living things around us.
    Does that mean the masculine tend to gravitate towards something they deem more “tangible” like organized religion?
    Personally most of the people I know, regardless of gender prefer to put “faith” in the concept of being connected to the energy of everything that makes up our universe as opposed to say Stephen Furtick show boating as a false idol.

  29. Women tend to enjoy mysticism and things of that nature.

    They are called wives tales for a reason

  30. Is this sub only for men?
    Because men tend not to believe in things unless there is hard concrete evidence backing it up while women follow their intuition more.

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