Hi Reddit sex world. Long time viewer first time poster (24M).

So I’m one of those guys that girls typically want to hook up with but never want something serious with (which for most guys they would crave but I hate it). This weekend I hooked up with a really great girl who I was supposed to take out. After we hooked up she wanted nothing to do with a date.

During sex she seemed to really enjoy it, and while she didn’t say she came the signs that she did were there (she became incredibly wet, the condom became sticky as hell, and she was dripping a white substance out of her). The session probably lasted about 30 minutes and she held onto me insatiably tightly after. I really liked her and would have loved to see her again in a non sexual way. She claimed she was not in the emotional place for a boyfriend and based on what she told me I can believe it, but when are we ever in the right place ?

This has happened to me like 6 times in the last 4 months.

1. Is it possible despite giving her pleasurable sex she would not want anything to do with me due to the sex?

2. Do women consider it a red flag if you hook up with them the first time you hang out?

3. Are these the signs I should be looking for when I’m pleasuring a woman. I typically feel like I’m giving women good sex but I definitely hold back the first time with a new partner.

4. Why do women between 21-24 years old do this? I was seeing a 20 year old and have a 25 year old sex buddy who never bs me with liking me to just fuck.

  1. Younger people will BS you more. That’s just part of life, as we gain more experience we learn what we want, and typically we learn how to communicate those wants better.

    I think it depends what energy you are putting out there.

    I’ve been through both extremes. When girls seemed to disappear and when girls seemed to want to stick to me. IDK why. It’s all about the energy.

  2. High probability she just wanted to hook up and get railed. This is a thing – really.

    If you like her and enjoy the sex, you could ask her to “forget the formalities, wanna hook up again?”

    “dripping a white substance out of her” – I hope it wasn’t chunky like cottage cheese. LOL.

    Secretions, wetness, discharge – none of that is proof of an orgasm. Every girl I was with that had one, I definitely knew she had it. Lots of cussing, moaning, hollering at the ceiling, back arching, finger nails in my back clawing and the pussy gripping my dick, or legs crushing my skull like it was a UFC deathmatch, face flushed, and trembling legs and knees. No guesswork involved.

  3. None of those are signs she isn’t enjoying herself, but they aren’t necessarily signs that she has orgasmed either. Most effective way to know is to ask.

  4. If you want something serious you should stop hooking up with them so fast and wait until they express interest in the same thing. Plus it’s a one night stand so it’s expected you don’t see each other again

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