Hello, I’m a high-schooler and stutter. It’s annoying when I speech block even tho I don’t get it often. My stutter is purely psychological. When Im alone I talk fluently and with my parents I really rarely block. In school I get anxious quickly and it bothers the hell outta me because when I’m alone I can say the word easily. It’s because I overthink it, when someone asks me my name randomly I answer quickly and fluently but when I get time to prepare I struggle with it. How do I not overthink it and remain confident?

1 comment
  1. Not sure the rest of the context around your life so take this with a grain of salt but if you have other symptoms of anxiety/social anxiety you might consider getting treatment (therapy or meds). Talk to your doctor if you think its a big problem. Otherwise just try to build confidence in yourself via self reassurance, try to realize you are as valid as everyone else and remember focus less on mistakes like the stuttering, It might seem like a big problem now but its not. Also exercise and meditation can help with anxiety if you don’t want to wait for treatment and want progress now.

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